The Formula For Manifestation


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that we hold the power and the potential for greatness within our hearts and minds.  Each time we manifest a new thought and respond with an emotion that either supports that idea, or distorts that idea we are learning something new about ourselves and the world we inhabit.

We are designed to create absolutely anything we require or desire.  The only thing that stands in our way is our perception of ourselves and how we either relate to the truth, or avoid it.  When we are aligned to our highest truth our manifestations are clear and precise.  When we are misaligned or out of balance, our creations reflect that imbalance back to us through a life lesson that may or may not involve others.  We are always seeking a greater awareness of our truth no matter what or who we engage in the process.

Taking ownership and responsibility is the sign of an advanced soul.  Until we recognize the importance and significance of being in charge of our creations we can only blame others, or play the victim role of being helpless or hopeless.

Notice how all three words have the similar base letters- this is how we manifest.

ACTION= following our thoughts wherever they take us
REACTION= feeling our emotions in response to our thoughts
CREATION= freedom to express ourselves until we learn the lesson

White Buffalo Woman Returns

White Buffalo Woman - Spirit Self

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: challenges us to return to the basic principles and laws of nature to allow the natural forces of the earth to restore balance.  There will come a time when the point of balance is so delicate, that it barely holds the thread of existence  in place.  This reality is on the brink of such a shift and the time for focusing on allowing the healing to happen in every heart on earth is now.

With the visions and dreams of our Elders, came the focus and intentions that were adopted by all who committed themselves to live out to the fullest of their potential.  This powerful energy is in alignment with the flow of abundance, bringing the  increase of vibrational life forces that will replace the old patterns of aging and aggression.  A more youthful and joyful earth will be abound with new energies, colours,  light and the concept of conscious creation for all to enjoy.

Holding the vision of this return of the feminine divine in her Native embodiment will herald a new dawn and a new day for humanity.  The white buffalo are symbolic of the purification of the kingdoms of heaven and earth in their most benevolent forms as they finally unite into one unified whole.

RENEW= the new beginning of the next phase of expansion & evolution
REFRESH= a new pattern & program for manifestation
RESTORE= experiencing the return of balance & abundance for all

The Reinstatement of Alpha Male

Eternal Love


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: encourages us to consider that there is a gap of energy absent in our current human experience that has been missing for a long time.  The role of alpha male has been dormant in the shadows of war and destruction for far too long.  It is time to reawaken ourselves to the desire for alpha male and his patriarchal powers.

Within all humans, there is a balance of energy that is required to feel complete.  When this balance is present, we have the blessing of awareness in action that allows both the male and the female to contribute equally to the sum of the whole (soul).

What has been seriously lacking in our energy field is the presence of truth, honesty, integrity and the desire for equality through divine support, encouragement and freedom to live our full potential.  When the male is present in all his infinite power, there is a sense of security and safety for all the inhabitants of our world.  When the alpha male is absent, there is a darkness that supports deception, war and a misuse of power that threatens everything and everyone.

Alpha Male qualities include:
HONESTY= an open hearted reflection of truth and fairness for all
INTEGRITY= the ability to represent your divine rights with gentle passion
DIVERSITY= an appreciation and respect for the differences we all represent