Breaking Through The Veils

Break Through

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a moment in time where we break through the veils of illusion and see our true self in all its glory.  This is the blessing that comes after a long journey of self discovery, self distraction and destruction.  As we begin to fill in the lost memories of who we truly are, the truth becomes more real and calls to us from the depths of our soul to rise above all former beliefs or fears to fully awaken.

The veil of forgetfulness has been placed upon us as we descend into the earthly realms to search for the light in a very darkened place.  We spend most of our life in this search only to discover at the end of the challenge – we are the light we have been searching for.  We were sent into this dark and dense reality to bring the light and activate it at the very core of creation as  a new phase of evolution begins to clear all lower vibrational energies, beings and behaviours.

It truly is a test of our courage, strength, faith and devotion to the source of our creation.  To completely forget and then slowly awaken to the truth that is held deep within our heart and soul has taken many lifetimes.  The success of our mission is at hand and as we fulfill our own destiny to birth the light, we become the light we seek and light up this beautiful planet with a new purpose and sense of being.

DISCOVERY= the journey every soul takes to activate the light
DISTRACTION= all of the ways we forget or fear the truth
DESTRUCTION= a break down of illusions while igniting the light

The Mind Is A Room We Live In

End Of Time

Today’s Life Lesson: Invites us to take a look at our inner sanctuary where we spend our time reliving the past and releasing the present so we can realize the future.  In our hearts we know there is a divine plan unfolding, and we seek to move in that direction as much as possible, but the inner resistance to the changes we require continually hold the walls and doors in place. Some will remain closed – others are ready to open.

As we begin to awaken to the understanding that the doors we have been living behind are the very way we must escape the limitations or lack we are living in, we become more interested in what lies beyond those doors.  Up until recently, we have been limited to four doors.  They represent the elements of earth, wind, fire and water.  Each of them have contributed to us learning, growing, evolving and developing our soul self.

Today we recognize new opportunities in the form of many doors.  The more doors we open, the more we expand our awareness and perception of who we are and why we are here.  The old doors will only bring a repetition of what has already happened – the new doors represent what will be.  The question is when we don’t know what is behind the doors how do we know which ones to open?  Does it really matter?

OPPORTUNITY = reflects the new way of living
POSSIBILITY= represents the variables we find
PROBABILITY= reminds us all things must grow
CERTAINTY= reveals we are here to evolve