TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: encourages us to take a look at our own way of thinking, seeing, feeling and reacting to the world we live in.  Everything we see is a reflection of our own perception and how we relate to our environment, relationships and life challenges.  When we view life through the lens of love, it reflects only the most benevolent perspective for us to encounter.  When we see it through the eyes of fear, doubt or worry, we see only those things that support our belief and invite us to participate in a constant state of reaction to things we cannot change outside of ourselves.

Overall, our personal performance will indicate if we are in alignment with our best interests, best behaviour and attitude towards self and others, or out of alignment with conflict, confusion and frustration.  It is challenging to accept when we are off course, but essential to our growth if we are going to take responsibility for correcting our misalignment.

PERCEPTION= the filter we use to view our world through
PERSPECTIVE= the way we measure the distance between ourselves and others
PERFORMANCE= the expression of those beliefs of faith or fears through our actions


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that when we look to the future of our souls journey, it is important to view it as a sense of gaining direction, and not comparing ourselves from where we are to where we are meant to be.  This compete and compare view provides us with a sense of sadness, sorrow and separation from our soul self and source.  The longing we hold in our heart can be a real detriment to the amount of courage and determination we are capable of using to accomplish our dreams and desires.

It is important to remember that each step we take from where we are, to where we are going allows us to embody the authentic compassion and understanding we need to have in order to share our wisdom with others.  When we have truly been there, done that, it is a genuine sense of knowing that allows us to be more patient, kind and tolerant of ourselves and each other.  We need this elevated state of awareness in order to successfully arrive at our destination of unconditional love.

Embrace the future, or your inevitable destination as a point of focus and guiding light that helps you find your way . . . let be an encouragement to your soul.

DIRECTION= a sense of where we are going and how we might get to our destiny
CONNECTION= a deep desire that transcends all reasoning and helps us arrive at our destiny
PERCEPTION= a powerful knowing that keeps us committed to living our destiny



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that we are in an intense phase of transformation and change that will forever be a new way of living.  Our DNA shifts have taken us along the path of light waves that raise our vibrational blueprint and shift our consciousness to a higher state of grace.  This takes time and is taking its toll on the physical mortal body.

In order to facilitate this shift, we are being asked to ELIMINATE our old programming, memories and blueprint from the older version of our human self.  This requires us to consciously allow that to unfold and through the release of these ancient beliefs and ways we are creating an opening for the new to be initiated.

Once we have eliminated the old through gratitude and respect for what we have learned and what it all taught us in the way of wisdom, we are then presented with the challenge of remembering how to EMANATE a greater level of love that is constantly flowing to, and through our body as an endless source of vibrational energy and supply for all our needs.  This can feel overwhelming at first, and exhausting to our mental and emotional bodies as the new vibrations ramp up and move us along the frequency scale to a better place.

Then comes the glorious moment when we realize that we are well on our way to allowing ourselves to ILLUMINATE not only our inner sanctuary of sacred self, but to radiate that love and acceptance to the world around us.  It is a beacon of light that attracts others who have arrived at this new level of wonder and grace.  Like fireflies to the flame, we begin to gather and share the wonder of our new reality.

ELIMINATE= the releasing of old, outdated programming for newer levels of awareness
EMANATE= the energy we share and show the world that truly represents who we are
ILLUMINATE= the natural glow of unconditional love when it is fully embraced within