Human Soul – Source Connection

Spring Solstice

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us understand the significance and necessity of having a strong soul connection to the source of our creation.  This connection begins at the moment of conception where the vibrational frequency is set to the level of love that is present within the male and female union.

In order for this vibration to be established there is an imprinting of the ‘signature’ or soul contract that is imbedded into the original blueprint.  As the fetus begins to develop, the characteristics of that blueprint take form and create a physical expression of the data that is then transferred to each and every cell in the body.  This will be reflected through the physical, mental and emotional field of potential.

It is vitally important for the completion of a soul’s evolution that the parents are able to fully participate in their development.  This means that there will be a natural flow of attention from the male side, and affection from the female side of BOTH parents.  To have one or both of these interactions missing causes a great amount of chaos and confusion for the infant and ultimately affects their souls development.

Without these natural states of interaction, a child feels that they are unloved, unworthy and unwanted creating a life of being chronically unhappy.  This is the basis of all dis-ease and dysfunctional behaviour.

ATTENTION= the initial interest and focus given to a child
AFFECTION= the nurturing and compassion offered to a child
CONNECTION= the bridge of love that reflects the value placed on a child