A Soul Story Only Our Heart Knows

Prayer For Union

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us of a story we hold  in our hearts that will only be brought into being when we are ready to share ourselves at the deepest level.  This is a union and reunion of the complete soul and how we attract to ourselves the complimentary half of who we are.  This can mean a relationship, or a connection to source that fills the emptiness we hold inside for what seems like eternity.

At times we are reminded that we wrote this story, have lived each and every chapter, page and paragraph as best we could in anticipation that the ending will reflect a fairy tale come true.  To some that is the discovery of self and all the facets of our soul that make us feel complete, and to others it is the merging and emerging of the larger version of ourselves that reflects the divine mother and father.  Either way, we hold a sense of great love for this moment and await its arrival.

BEGINNING= the map we laid out for ourselves to follow
MIDDLE= the direction we are traveling at the moment
END= the place where destiny and desire and destination come together

Source & Self

Self Esteem

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: invites us to focus on the real sense of self that lies within our soul.  This inner essence of who we are is in a state of constant change and evolutionary growth.  We are always being guided, directed and inspired from the deepest part of our heart and source of light.

Each moment that we are breathing in our human experience, we are making choices and decisions upon which we will choose to follow or deny.  The more often we follow our hearts guidance, the more direct our energies will be in aligning us to our true purpose.  The more we ignore that inner voice, the longer it takes us to discover the reality we are meant to live.  It is a process of choose and follow or deny and flounder around until we are willing to live authentically.

The heart messages come with a feeling of being encouraged and uplifted like butterflies or energy bubbles inside.  This can be mistaken for fear sometimes as we hesitate to trust and believe that we are being helped or healed in some way.  The head will try to step in and quantify or qualify the information you are receiving.  This delay or hesitation can be enough to distract you from the next step you would normally take.

INNER GUIDANCE= the voice of source within
INNER VOICE= a message that sounds like your own voice
INNER FEELING= the essence of divine mother speaking through you
INNER FAITH= the energy of divine father encouraging you to keep going


How We Help Each Other Grow


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that we are the source of our own creations and the results that emanate from them are an extension of our soul. When we are in a place of judging one another, we contribute to the chaos and clutter of our energetic world.

The art of compassion and friendship allow us to embrace each other as original works of art. Each and every one has its own story, its own glory and its own reasons for being in the place we are in for the moment or even a season. It is a powerful shift when we recognize that and just allow for the unfolding of each soul in its own time.

We must be careful not to assume that because one of the many is in a place of dishonoring or dismantling their current life lesson that we are not required to simply hold the light while they complete it.

PLACE= a part of energetic space in creation
PART= a portion of that space that you personally reflect
PATH= a collective road we all travel together