The Formula For Manifestation


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that we hold the power and the potential for greatness within our hearts and minds.  Each time we manifest a new thought and respond with an emotion that either supports that idea, or distorts that idea we are learning something new about ourselves and the world we inhabit.

We are designed to create absolutely anything we require or desire.  The only thing that stands in our way is our perception of ourselves and how we either relate to the truth, or avoid it.  When we are aligned to our highest truth our manifestations are clear and precise.  When we are misaligned or out of balance, our creations reflect that imbalance back to us through a life lesson that may or may not involve others.  We are always seeking a greater awareness of our truth no matter what or who we engage in the process.

Taking ownership and responsibility is the sign of an advanced soul.  Until we recognize the importance and significance of being in charge of our creations we can only blame others, or play the victim role of being helpless or hopeless.

Notice how all three words have the similar base letters- this is how we manifest.

ACTION= following our thoughts wherever they take us
REACTION= feeling our emotions in response to our thoughts
CREATION= freedom to express ourselves until we learn the lesson

What We Focus On

Elemental Fire


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: has us checking in with our own self to see what level of action and reaction we are focused on.  Some days its the little things that make us crazy, and other days the bigger picture has us standing back pondering what our next move will be.  This broad spectrum of options and opportunities make life very interesting.

With the current energy changes and amplifications it is easy to be engaged in a constant flow of emotional turmoil where our reactions are not only over the top, but totally out of character.  In those moments when you recognize you are in an elevated state of being, it is important to bring your focus back to what really matters.

We always have a choice of where we are spending our time, efforts and energies.  To shift focus back to the moment we can simply follow our breath and go within to a place of sanctuary energy in stillness and serenity. Reseting ourselves to what is important makes such a difference to the kind of day we will have.

MOOD MAKER= a reaction to what we are thinking
HEART BREAKER= a reaction to what we are feeling
SOUL SHAKER= a reaction to what we are doing


Learning To Ride The Tide

Feeling Free

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the insights and inspirational message of learning to ride the tide of emotion and motion these days.  The inner journey of our soul is currently making dramatic changes to the way we view life and live life.  Anything that we have held onto that is not in alignment with our souls purpose or desires, is being shaken from us in dramatic and sometimes traumatic ways.

When it comes to the feeling and the flow of emotions, we are diving deeper and deeper into the pools of unfair situations where we cannot look anywhere but inward at the way we react to others and the circumstance we find ourselves in.  There is no where else to go and the answers will not be found if we do not go there.  It takes all of the courage and determination you can find within yourself to make this journey.

MOTION= the movement/manifestation of our thought energy
EMOTION= the flow/flood of our feeling energy
ACTION= the intention/direction of our soul energy
ATTRACTION= the affects of our heart/hurt energy