What Is Enough?


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: is all about enough.  When we feel we are complete and whole, there is an energy emitted that enhances the world we live in, both externally and internally.  The art of ‘enoughness’ is one of the hardest things for a soul to achieve.  We are designed to challenge ourselves beyond  endurance and most days beyond reason.

The energy of enough is quite flexible and changeable.  It is never the same and adjusts itself easily to whatever kind of day or experience you are having.  What can be more than enough for one person on any given day, may feel like less than enough to another as we all have our own version of what makes the moment we are in ‘enough’.

When we get to the place in our evolution where we no longer feel the need to weight, measure or compare ourselves to anyone else, the art of enough brings a sense of peace and contentment.  This is where we get to enjoy the fruits of our labour and the blessings and benefits of a life well lived, or a job well done.

I THINK ENOUGH= attuning to  thoughts that simply flow through without judging them
I FEEL ENOUGH= allowing feelings to guide us without rejecting them
I DO ENOUGH= acknowledging our efforts in all things without measurement
I HAVE ENOUGH= accepting what we have without competing
I SHARE ENOUGH= accumulating only what we need and offering the rest to others
I AM ENOUGH= awareness of self at the highest level with deep respect