TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the intention that we are here to learn so many life lessons through trial and error, falling down and getting up, the pendulum of moving forward and then seemingly being knocked backwards . . . it is all an ingenious process for us to learn about the various and sometimes endless conditions that a human soul can experience in their lifetime.

Each life lesson is recorded within our soul system to remind us of where we have been, what we have learned and where we need to move forward to from there.  No life lesson is an absolute.  The only thing we know for sure, is that once we have been there and done that, the next logical step should be to move in a different direction which should improve the outcome in some beneficial way.

Well logic is very different than emotion.  Logic is very linear and black and white . . . the full spectrum of emotions tend to anchor themselves to an experience and then replay it over and over again until we are very clear that is not where we want to be, or who we want to be if we are going to grow or change.  Emotions can be distractions that keep us from being clear or certain about what we are really trying to accomplish.  Feelings – well they are basic and simple:  MAD, SAD, BAD, GLAD no confusion there, only anger, hurt, guilt or happiness to choose from.

Once we have researched all the ‘conditions’ that life can throw our way, then we have all of the understanding, compassion and empathy that we need to have patience, tolerance and acceptance for others who are still going through the process.  This is how we achieve the state of unconditional love called grace.

CONDITIONAL LOVE= the use of judgment and fear to express ourselves and explore the world as a unique soul seeking perfection.
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE= the state of grace where you are perfectly at peace with being an imperfect human, but loving yourself and others anyway.

The Truth Test

The Courage To Change

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: Challenges us to take a closer look at how we process life lessons and relationships.  We are in the final stages of clearing our karma, and through that process we begin to see the truth for what it is and make our decisions based on how we want to live our lives going forward.

Each layer of our intricate blueprint contributes to the level of awareness and wholeness that we are able to achieve.   The science of vibrational energy is reflected in our daily challenges and is directly affected by the choices we make.  There comes a time when only that which is of the purest and highest truth can set your soul free.

The more we resist this process, the more intense it becomes.  Our greatest allies in this dance are our enemies.  They are the ones who can trigger us the quickest, and affect us the deepest which is exactly where we need to go in order to purge our inner sanctuary from judgment and fear.

Denying the truth= reveals our level of mental integrity
Avoiding the truth= reveals our level of emotional honesty
Embracing the truth= reveals our level of spiritual maturity

A New Level Of Compassion

The Real Me


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that we are all here to share the experience of discovering yourselves through interacting with each other.  We play support roles in every way as we co-create a new world out of our research from the shadow world.  It is time to consider what ways we are able to graduate and move on to a higher level of respect – both for ourselves, and each other.  This will bring such a joyous relief to the world we inhabit.

One of the hardest things for us as humans to understand, is the need for every soul to be seen and heard.  This is not an optional experience, but a necessary one that allows us to witness our reflections in each other where we make the conscious choice to change and grow, or to stubbornly stay the same.  It is inevitable that we will eventually grow . . . but some of us like to make a career out of taking our time to allow it.

It is essential that we observe what others have to say and not because we are obligated to agree or disagree.  This is not an endorsement of what they say or think – but an acknowledgement of their right to be heard.  This is part of our new level of compassion where we no longer judge or reject each other based on opinions.

LISTEN= the ability to pay attention to each other
HEAR= the willingness to allow others to express themselves
HEARD= the feeling of acceptance without judgment