Tears Of Humanity

Letting it all go

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON:  shares a wonderful vision of how we are moving forward and flowing more freely these days.  The tide of humanity is now edging its way ever closer to the brink of blessings and abundance.  We are finally understanding the importance of letting go of of what was so we can fully embrace what will be.  In the middle of that dance, we are poised for resurrection and revelations.

Inside each and every heart is the same message.  We all hold it near and dear to our soul self where it is unfolded very carefully and gently in these times of such violence and turmoil.  The test of a true spiritual warrior is to be steadfast and true to the vision of oneness and wholeness that makes us all one great family of light.

In the next few days as we move closer to the fullness of the moon cycle, you will also find a great welling up of emotions and feelings that have never before seen the light of day.  When this tide of energy rises, be ready to celebrate it through the flow or flood of tears.  They will be tears of sorrow, sadness, suffering, sacrifice, and all other formerly hidden feelings of unworthiness that will burst open your heart of gold.  Allow yourself the privilege of recognizing the significance of this event and let it happen.

SHAKEDOWN= the shadow surface is crumbling & crashing
BREAKDOWN= the cracks from broken hearts are opening & widening
TAKEDOWN= the warrior walls are falling & fading

Lets Feel The Flow Of Abundance Today

Rainbow Warriors

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: suggests that we check in with Source Self and see if we are in the flow, observing the flow, or avoiding the flow?  There are so many who are praying for abundance and manifestation of funds or opportunities, that the universal flow of energy is expanding to accommodate it.  The challenge comes when there is a request given, but not permission granted.  This is the art of ALLOWING.

If you are envisioning the flow and can see a picture of it – then you are not IN IT.
If you can imagine there is a flow, but cannot see it in your life, then you are AVOIDING IT.  If you envision the flow and FEEL IT moving through your body then you are IN IT.

Your feelings are the gateway to abundance and opportunities.  When you allow yourself to feel happy, enthusiastic, energetic, loving, kind, fair or truthful, then you are opening the floodgates to a greater way of living and being.  The energy of abundance is only as present as you allow it to be.  Your level of comfort with the idea you deserve to be blessed and provided for will gauge how open your flood gates will be.

The only thing that can stop or slow the flow – is YOU.

IT=  I trust
BE IN IT= ENTRUST your needs to the river of abundance
FEEL IT= EMBODY TRUST and then let the blessings overflow
FLOW WITH IT= EMERCE yourself in the river of abundance
FOLLOW IT= EMBRACE the abundant flow and and allow it to move through you


Eclipse Essence & Energy

Essence & Energy

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: draws back the veils of illusion and lets us have a glimpse of glory beyond what we have been witnessing these days.  It is a time where we are able to view the inner power of our soul in alignment with the powerful rays of the Celestial Sun.  All around the darkness we have been living in, is a glow of light and love that transcends all obstacles in it is way.

The power of inner peace and tranquility will change the course of history through it’s relentless beams of essence and energy.  The essence represents the heavenly bodies of the divine feminine and the energy represents the rays of hope that bring new alignments to our collective consciousness in the way of insights and inspiration.

As you stand in the light of your own shadow today while the eclipse is moving us through a new part of the universe, give thanks, be grateful, but most of all be gracious as not everyone is awake and aware.  Use the new levels of compassion and caring for ourselves and each other as a beacon of light for those who still travel the shadows of the past.

GIVING= a willingness to share abundance
GRATEFUL= a willingness to receive abundance
GRATITUDE= a willingness to honour abundance
GRACIOUS= a willingness to embrace abundance