Source & Self

Self Esteem

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: invites us to focus on the real sense of self that lies within our soul.  This inner essence of who we are is in a state of constant change and evolutionary growth.  We are always being guided, directed and inspired from the deepest part of our heart and source of light.

Each moment that we are breathing in our human experience, we are making choices and decisions upon which we will choose to follow or deny.  The more often we follow our hearts guidance, the more direct our energies will be in aligning us to our true purpose.  The more we ignore that inner voice, the longer it takes us to discover the reality we are meant to live.  It is a process of choose and follow or deny and flounder around until we are willing to live authentically.

The heart messages come with a feeling of being encouraged and uplifted like butterflies or energy bubbles inside.  This can be mistaken for fear sometimes as we hesitate to trust and believe that we are being helped or healed in some way.  The head will try to step in and quantify or qualify the information you are receiving.  This delay or hesitation can be enough to distract you from the next step you would normally take.

INNER GUIDANCE= the voice of source within
INNER VOICE= a message that sounds like your own voice
INNER FEELING= the essence of divine mother speaking through you
INNER FAITH= the energy of divine father encouraging you to keep going