TODAY’S LIFE LESSON:  helps us dive deeper into the inner world of our emotions and how we can use them to help SOLVE our most elusive challenges in life.  The closer we get to RESOLVE them, the more intense our issues will be.  The more we ignore our issues . . . the more complex they will become.  So it is vitally important in these trying times, to keep our hearts and minds open to what our emotions are revealing to us – even if we don’t like them, or should we say ESPECIALLY if we don’t like them.

To every challenge there is a SOLUTION.  We as grand creators and manifestos, have the answer to every question we have ever thought of.  It is part of what makes life such an amazing mystery to be solved.  The closer we get to having the answer, the more we tend to avoid asking the question of ourselves or others.  The more we avoid asking . . . the louder the voice becomes in our inner realms of truth.  It comes to that moment when we either surrender ourselves to the feeling and then experience the revealing of our truth, or we go right through the walls of illusion and head straight for the purest of intentions where we are awarded the complete RESOLUTION to what we are struggling with.

SOLVE= the challenge to find answers from within
RESOLVE= the experience of discovering the answer
SOLUTION= what the question challenges us to find
RESOLUTION= what the answer offers us to feel complete