TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us understand the process of elimination that we are going through to find the purest and most loving version of ourselves.  This takes time and patience as we learn to observe ourselves through the eyes of love instead of the perception of judgement or fear.  We are the source of our own supply and salvation.

To every season of our lives there are challenges that compliment our desire to learn and grow or evolve.  This inner knowing is typically hidden deep down where we are not able to access it until we have completed our research into how it works, and affects our lives.  The good news is, that it only lasts for a season.  We may avoid that season for many cycles, but inevitably we must embrace it and accept that we can benefit from it in some way.  Enlightenment comes from embracing the darkness as a loveable part of self.

We are designed to discover the most about any challenge, by the pursuit of finding reasons that it exists, reasons we are involved, reasons we should allow it and so on.  There are endless reasons for our thoughts, feelings and behaviours, all of which we can easily explain to ourselves and others while we are engaged in it.  At some point there are not enough reasons to keep us there . . . we are done with the concept and have experienced enough to know that we are not limited to, or by, any reasons that are good enough to sacrifice or suffer any further.

While we are fully engaged in the battle of balance – we find that the inner thoughts and feelings are in constant conflict with one another.  This helps us pendulum back and forth through the various layers and beliefs until we can find the point of balance by just embracing what is, and who we are, as perfection.  The only treason we are ever guilty of, is when we deny our hearts true purpose, or visions and dreams as part of our karmic journey.  Betraying the self is the ultimate source of grief and despair which helps us realize we have arrived at the deepest level of what we can endure.

SEASON= the various cycles we go through in life that help us explore and experience the    full spectrum of what we call possible and impossible to love. In other words – the art of conditional love.

REASON= our ability to justify, explain, excuse and explore our deepest judgements and fears. This process helps us develop compassion for self and others which elevates our love to a higher vibration where we can truly appreciate unconditional love.

TREASON= the illusion that anyone including ourselves is undeserving or worthy of love no matter what we have said or done, or not said and done, we are always loveable.  This awareness is born of all the ways we have feared, judged and denied ourselves and each other at some point in our karmic journey.