TODAYS LIFE LESSON: brings an update to our awareness of self and where we stand in our trust, faith and belief in who we are as a soul.  Many of us have been experiencing losses of trust, dimming of our faith, and distrust in believing there is an end to the challenges and changes we have been going through for so long.  Today is a good day to reconnect to the source of our creation and rebuild the sense of loss and loneliness that has been present in our souls.

There are two chambers we can enter into to reconnect to the source of our happiness, good health, and endless flow of abundance.  One is through the chamber of light that is so bright we can only enter into it by closing our eyes and trusting that we are protected and shielded by love in order to discover our hidden judgements.  In this chamber everything is fully EXPOSED in the light of truth and what we are not willing to see or believe becomes clear and revealed for us.  The more we allow our truth to be revealed, the more we know that love is never far away and that our connection to it can only be enjoyed when we fully trust we are worthy of the love of source.

The second chamber is that of complete darkness where there is an ABSENCE of light and everything we feel or fear becomes real . . . we can only react to what we feel and then face those feelings and fears until we are so filled with faith in ourselves, that the light comes on and the coloured rays of love shower us with the power and grace of love.

When you have finished with one chamber – which ever one you begin with, the completion comes from entering the other with a willing heart and open mind.  This will complete your souls contract with judgement and fear and the expansion of your soul will feel amazing.

SAFE~ feeling loved and cared for in every way – every day
SECURE~ a sense of belonging and being connected to abundance and source
SURE~ a trust in the process and the power it brings to light up your soul