Ride The Wild Horses

Ride The Wild Horses

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: takes us on a wild ride through the veils of illusion into the forest of our dreams.  We are in a place now where all that you have hoped for and prayed for is moving into position for us to manifest more powerfully than ever what it is we desire most.

As your heart fills up with the desires for greater things to come and wondrous places to be it is time to take hold of the reins and ride free.  What you might have pretended with as a child, you will now be able to experience in a real new way.  The feelings that support your ideas are racing faster and faster towards that defining moment when it all comes together and miracles unfold.

Select your favorite colored horse to share your vision with.  Climb on its back and hold on to the ideas you are dreaming about like your life depends on it.  Don’t let the wind in your face blurr your vision for even a moment since you don’t want to miss anything that can help you enjoy this experience even more.

VISIONS= the ideas that your heart keeps planting firmly in your mind
DREAMS= the potential of your soul and where it is on the journey of life
DESIRES= the unlimited feelings that guide your soul to discover life more fully