Nothing Wrong With Being Crafty

Spell N Be

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: plays a little with the idea of being crafty as a way of self expression and enjoying the art of conscious creation.  It is easy to judge or fear the idea of manifestation by a soul who knows their power and lives their truth, but we must consider that in the end everything we do – we create ourselves.

In the past one who is able to create or manifest what they declare and share with others has been criticized as dangerous or hazardous to the wellbeing of humanity.  Many have gone to great lengths to eliminate or irradicate those that follow their hearts calling and create a wonderful world of awe and wonder.  Their ability to tune into nature and the animal kingdom has brought great suspect and fear into the core of communities.

The truth is – we all manifest through our hearts desire whatever it is that we require to live a life that is full of experiences to learn from.  We are all doing the same thing – but just express or explain it differently.  None of it is more acceptable than the other, so lets make it equally desirable and get over the fact we all do the SAME thing, DIFFERENTLY!

We all enjoy being a little ‘Crafty’ at times! Which one is yours?

CRAFT= an art or creation through self expression (painting/pottery etc.)
CRAFT= the expression of rituals and beliefs through magic (witch/warlock/wizzard)
CRAFT= a vessel able to float above normal limitations (boat/plane)