Love Is The Greatest Investment Of All

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: holds the power of love in the gentleness of our hearts and hands. What we invest in our world and our own soul is what we have to look forward to as we continue our journey into oneness.

For those that feel money is the best investment they can make, there is an emptiness that follows it that must be continually fed in order to feel complete. Love will fill your heart and soul with abundance that may include money, but not insist on it as a measurement of success.

For those that invest in life experiences and feel that what they have done or accomplished is the most important thing, there will always be the next challenge to be met or battled in order to feel worthwhile. Love will tell us that what we have done is simply a mirror of how we feel about ourselves inside and cannot be diminished nor increased by actions.

For those that know love and contribute to the blessings and well being of the world through the natural, normal acts of kindness and compassion there is a richness that cannot be denied or removed by anyone at any time. This inner power can only be shared through genuine, open hearted sharing.

This in the end is the greatest investment of all . . .

MONEY= the mortal measurement of man
INVESTMENT = the energy we spend in creating life
CONTRIBUTIONS= the gifts we share that show we care
BLESSINGS= the riches we possess that cannot be denied