Life’s Ups & Downs

Finding Balance


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON:  The intensity of anger reveals that we are in a place of recognizing a deep sense of unfairness.  The more we try and balance it – the more it reveals we are not in balance with ourselves and the world we inhabit.

Think of it like a teeter toter – when we are up – by putting someone else down it doesn’t feel good . . . and the other way around.  It symbolizes that we are in a position to make peace with the part of ourselves that we see in others and be willing to look straight across . . . eye to eye and say “I get it!,

I am you and you are me so we are both wanting the same thing here.  Lets just balance ourselves together – evenly and lovingly and create a better world by letting go of the idea we are different and that it is a bad thing.  Being different is a good thing as we learn to balance ourselves TOGETHER.

UP= thinking we are better than others
DOWN= feeling we are not as good as others
BALANCE= knowing we are equal to all others