TODAY’S LIFE LESSON:    shares the wisdom of how we continue to create separation on our human experience. We are manifesting from our subconscious the reality that we are co-creating together and it is still aligned to the concept that moves us apart instead of uniting.

Within us there are three sources of creation that work together with each and every idea we bring forth. With it there is a THOUGHT, which triggers a FEELING, which then manifests a CREATION. This could also be identified as MALE, FEMALE, CHILD who contribute to everything we are and everything we do.

Becoming an observer of this process within us is essential if we are to unravel the mystery of our misunderstandings (thoughts), misalignments (feelings) and misrepresentation (child) of what love is and how we share it. To have a full spectrum of truth, we must take responsibility where we can to correct these states of being so that more of humanity can become awake and aware of our power and our purpose.

MALE= the concept of RIGHT & WRONG and how it separates us from each other through judgement. We have learned to measure ourselves and each other in a world where we celebrate the art of COMPETING through sports, fashion, wealth and gender. This diminishes love and lowers our collective vibration.

FEMALE= the concept of GOOD & BAD that creates a feeling of unworthy, unwelcome and unwanted feelings toward ourselves and each other. This keeps the power of love from totally embracing the idea that we are all equal and deserving of love just because we exist. How we feel about ourselves greatly impacts the level of love we allow to flow to us and through us. Without this being in alignment and flowing freely we are always COMPARING ourselves and feeling unloved and unwanted.

CHILD= the concept of UP & DOWN control the level of love a child feels from within and in the world they inhabit. The thoughts and feelings our inner child has contribute 100% of how we feel about ourselves. Our inner state of security and confidence depends on having enough love from our environment to support our wellbeing and overall wellness. Without love flowing freely our inner child cannot feel uplifted but chronically COMPELLED to put themselves down and feel unloved.