TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: brings our focus back to the source of our intention and the desire to manifest our dreams and desires.  What we focus on becomes our vibrational ‘tone’ or point of attraction.  When we are consistently focused on the external challenges of our life, we get lost in the shuffle of choices and options.  It can appear to be quite overwhelming at times and down right upsetting in the relentlessness of our shadow self who’s voice will appear to be louder than any other.

Drawing our attention back to the basic power of INTENTION will help diminish the voice of the critic, the judge and the fear of failure illusion we seem to like to follow.  The pursuit of dreams and desires can fade very quickly and seem far beyond our grasp when we give up our clear focus and intention practice.

Getting back to the basics helps restore order and balance to the mind and emotions so they can once again align themselves together in support of what you are intending to create or change about yourself and your life in general.  The simplicity of the I AM declaration can bring a greater connection to your source of supply and help to bridge the gap between where you are . . . and where you desire to be.

INTENTION= the focus you consciously choose to follow
DETECTION= paying attention to the tension when you are off course
CORRECTION= release resistance to allowing source to guide and assist you
DIRECTION= a sense of power and presence that lets you know when you are on track