IMAGES & MESSAGES & IMAGINATION reflect our soul’s truth

The energy of Source has guided me to combined several images to be layered together in a form of collage that offers encoded messages to inspire soul healing.  These messages are designed to awaken the inner vibrations of truth, love and enlightenment within each soul that views them through our imagination.

The messages may speak to you in ways that penetrate your guarded walls or veils of illusions and touch your heart in ways that nothing else has done.  Embracing these images and messages as blessings of encouragement in times of personal challenges or soul questing will gift you with inspiration and insights into your souls journey.  We hold the truth in our hearts and seek to set it free with our willingness to love ourselves unconditionally.

Each individual will interpret the images and messages differently as they relate to them through their own personal soul experience.  To some an image is up lifting – to others it would appear intimidating as both ends of the vibrational spectrum teach us life lessons.  Learning to appreciate, respect and accept your own interpretation and reaction is vitally important to discovering your own truth and healing.

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