TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to take a look at how much fun we are having.  When was the last time you did something just for the fun of it?  Not to accomplish something specific, not to do something out of boredom, not to fill time because that was better than nothing, just a real good sense of having something to do that nourished your soul?  So much of our daily life now is scheduled beyond what we can fit in.  The busyness of life has taken over the quality of life and given it a stress level that none of us can keep up with.  So what is fun?

Remember when you had time to just day dream?  and out of that daydream came the simple ideas of making a difference, or creating something special?  Can you remember how it felt to just be in the moment with all kinds of time to let it develop like an old photo?  Our digital age has taken away so much of the process we used to go through to ‘develop’ something worthwhile and feel so proud of ourselves and what we were able to create out of a simple idea.  Well maybe it time to give ourselves the luxury of doing that more often.

Having time, planning time and making time is something we need to do more often if we want to feel in anyway contented or fulfilled in our lives.  Perhaps the first step to that project is to revisit some of the dreams you had when you were younger.  Ideas you were passionate about, or things that you were so convince you would be able to achieve but have not made the time for them to be realized are still awaiting your heart to follow that path.

IDEAS= the simple pleasures of knowing we can create something special
DREAMS= the unreal world that helps us bring our ideas into reality
IMAGINATION= the inner child and its unending desire to make something where there is nothing
PASSION= the deep inner desire to complete and fulfill our true purpose that drives us forward to achieve