How We Help Each Other Grow


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that we are the source of our own creations and the results that emanate from them are an extension of our soul. When we are in a place of judging one another, we contribute to the chaos and clutter of our energetic world.

The art of compassion and friendship allow us to embrace each other as original works of art. Each and every one has its own story, its own glory and its own reasons for being in the place we are in for the moment or even a season. It is a powerful shift when we recognize that and just allow for the unfolding of each soul in its own time.

We must be careful not to assume that because one of the many is in a place of dishonoring or dismantling their current life lesson that we are not required to simply hold the light while they complete it.

PLACE= a part of energetic space in creation
PART= a portion of that space that you personally reflect
PATH= a collective road we all travel together