TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: In these challenging times, we are being shown many parts of ourselves that are not in alignment with the highest purpose of our soul. These challenges are accelerating our growth by showing up as repeated patterns, events and emotions that align to our old ways. Trauma, Drama, Karma are part of our human experiment to teach us about conditional love. Our thoughts and feelings will support what we have not yet learned and repeat the process until we do.

Being caught up in the trauma, drama game is difficult to identify. It will show up with reasons, excuses, justification and evidence to support the idea you are holding on to. These will continue to grow in intensity and diversity until we begin to recognize the pattern and the process. Once we see through the veil of illusions we have created, things become very clear and much easier to transform into a more loving behaviour.

Those that have found their way through that maze sit back in ‘amazement’ at others that still play the game. It is hard to watch when you know there is a simple answer and powerful moment when it all changes. That is up to the individuals who still play the game. Those that are witnessing from the other side must respectfully observe, remain neutral and hold the light of love as a beacon of hope and potential for others.

This I know to be true . . . what you are running from, is what you are running towards. Everything in the universe is designed as a circle, a cellular, seasonal spiral and elevating energy that every soul will go through to return to the Source of our Creation which is Love. This evolution as a victim takes time and a huge amount of effort to accomplish. Running away from your problems, fears, pain or suffering will only result in more of it showing up in a larger way where you must decide to either feel it and face it, for fear it and fail the self induced test. Humanity is being shown the extreme version of all of this right now. Some have realized their purpose is to rise up and release themselves from this program, while others are still repeating it to verify and validate their own souls purpose. Both are loved, both are blessed by what they believe, but the outcome is very different in how it feels. Rise up sweet souls. The game is over, the testing is optional and the freedom you gain is real.