Freedom comes in many forms and on multiple levels.  We have within us a deep desire to experience freedom but rarely get to have that feeling as we go through the trials and tribulations of human nature.

Freedom of thought – is one of our greatest inspirations for making changes or fearing changes.  What we think we become and what we fear we draw near . . . thoughts are powerful resources to create a prison or a palace to dwell in.

Freedom of movement – allows us to make our way through the maze of life challenges with mobility and agility or to limit ourselves through being stubborn and stuck.

Freedom of feelings – creates a vast array of emotions for us to express ourselves through or they can shut us down and out from most of what life has to offer in the way of relationships and connections.

Freedom of expression – can be shared physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually as we evolve past the fear of being truthful or heard for what we have to share and contribute to our world.

Freedom of rights – evolve as we do as a human race.  The idea of being free has been lost in the illusion of control and ownership of people, places and things that are meant to be shared equally and willingly.

Freedom of choice – gives us endless ways to explore the world of possibilities and probabilities once we learn that we are not bound by laws and rules to any one choice.

Freedom is a feeling that comes with being totally honest, authentic, loving, kind, fair and true to ourselves and each other.  When one can think of FREEDOM and actually FEEL IT at the same time . . . the world becomes the Heaven on Earth we are here to co-create.

Focus on freedom until you can not only think it – but you actually feel it too.