Elemental Fire

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: Long before we arrive here on the planet of transformation and change, we make contracts and agreements with other souls who are on a quest for similar growth and knowledge.  These contracts are the blueprints for our souls journey and help facilitate the direction our life will go.  They are a general map of the challenges and choices we will make and are subject to completion once we have explored all of the variations these trials and tribulations can bring.

Karma is the complex game of balance.  For everything we choose and experience in the shadow side of ourselves, we will also create the sunny side as a full spectrum of understanding and compassion that inevitably comes from playing both sides of the pendulum.  These difficult challenges come with a built in support system that is offered by our family, friends and foes . . . they all play an equal roll.

Although most of us would be quick to select the hero or the benevolent characters to portray as our true self, we must also be willing to play the villain, the victim and the victor in every way.  It is important to remember in the middle of ‘the game’ or ‘the show’, that we VOLUNTEERED to do this for each other.  More can be learned from controversy than from complacency.

FAMILY= the full range of support for our learning requirements from happy to harmful, to hurtful and hateful
FRIENDS= those that challenges us to grow by acceptance, rejection or total denial
FOES= our most feared and judged qualities showing up as reflections of what we hold inside such as fears, phobias and belief in failure.