TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: gives us a heads up for the month ahead as we enter into the closure of another year of transformation.  We are standing on the cusp of a new reality that requires us to enter into it with a clear conscience and an open heart.  In order to facilitate this entry, we will be going through the test of soul searching, fire flaring, faith testing experiences.  Just as the Earth is now releasing the pressure that comes from within and brings all of the things that are no longer able to be hidden to the surface – so too will humanity go through this tribulation.

We see it as Mother Nature explodes with fire and water in every area of the world, we see it in the governments who are being exposed for the control and manipulation of humanity that has brought endless suffering, we see it in the relationships we share with friends and family, strangers and soul mates, and even in our own inner soul conflicts that the eruptions can no longer be contained . . . the time for transformational healing is now.  As we enter into the month of December . . . the 12th house of creation . . . be prepared to surrender your need to struggle or control any form of outcome.  It will only make the process more painful.  Laugh at yourself, at your fears, at your judgements and how they have played out in your relationships with everything and everyone.  The game is over.  Lets just let LOVE do what it does best . . . forgive, and let live.

EXPERIMENT= our soul contract that involves the entire human race and our research with judgment, fear and emotions.
EXPLORE= travelling deep into our unconsciousness to reveal any hidden judgements and fears we have chosen to learn from.
EXPERIENCE= the understanding we have gained by living through karma and all its conditions that is now wisdom.
EXPOSURE= reveals what is within us that we are not aware of but bring it to the surface in our relationships with self and each other.
EXPLOSION= the moment when it all erupts and spills out for the entire world to see because we are trusting it is time to release it all.
EXCITEMENT= a feeling that replaces judgement and fear and allows us to move into the next level of vibrational experiment where we take everything we have learned, all of the feelings we possess, the wisdom we have gained and the limitless expansion we are bringing to the the universal evolution of mankind and celebrate a job well done.