Everything I need is a SEED


In my meditation time today I journeyed to my Sacred Sanctuary where I get to see all the things that are happening, or about to happen in my life.

As I entered into my sacred space I stood in the centre of the sphere of energy and asked to be shown what happiness looks like. My life has not had a lot of happiness in it and I wanted to get a sense of what that might look like and feel like so I could be more aligned to the energy of it. The keys to a fulfilled life include the ability to be HAPPY~HEALTHY~WORTHY~WEALTHY.

To my pleasure and enjoyment, I was instantly standing in the centre of a huge sunflower. I was impeded in the face as one of the seeds and all around me were endless seeds and beautiful soft vibrant yellow petals. The size was enormous and might even be described as endless. I felt the welcoming energy of abundance and the connection to Mother Nature and how she provides everything I need in life.

Her gentle voice could be heard inside my being as she softly said look at all the seeds of possibilities and opportunities you have before you. In each and every seed there is a gift to meet your needs. You have endless gifts and abilities that you are able to share with the world but inside your own soul there is a hole that needs to be filled with love. You are the image of perfection just as you are – exactly the way you are.

Nothing needs to be changed other than your willingness to allow the vastness of the universe to have unlimited flow through your being. This is the gift that comes with being a creation of light. Your life is blessed with all the things you have envisioned and dreamed of. Learn to dream bigger and allow the light of love and creation to experience life through you in miraculous ways.

SOURCE= the infinite power of love that creates everything there is
SUNFLOWER= the face of love that provides inspiration and opportunity
SEEDS= the gift of love that is inside every dream and desire I experience