TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us recognize how our energy level can affect not only our own field of creation, but also that of others.  We are interconnected by the forces of love and through that connection learn from each other by our actions and reactions to life’s challenges.

The inner connection to source is enhanced or inhibited by our willingness to allow the flow of energy to move through freely.  When it is not moving freely we can experience technical difficulties with our reception and interaction of information and communication.

Each level of vibration allows us to see more clearly, or dive deep into illusions where we cannot see the truth or what is real.  The lower the vibration . . . the lower the thoughts and feelings become.  Our deepest level of vibrational distortion comes in the form of depression.  The only way out of this level is to start focusing on higher visions, inspirations and directions for our energy to follow.

ENERGETIC= the free flow of vibrational energy moving through us without distortions
KINETIC= the interaction of our energy within and with others in the form of actions
STATIC= the chaotic field of energy that we use when we are in reactions
FRENETIC= the lowest form of energy that keep us in illusionary distractions