TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: takes us back to the moment of the Original Creation where the Source of our being experienced FEELING for the first time and in response to that vibration, EJECTED it out into the void.  That part of Source that was FEELING reacted by feeling REJECTED.  So since that time we have been living in the illusion that we are not wanted, loved or desired by our Creator.  This has played itself out in the form of FEAR and JUDGEMENT as we seek to re-unite all of ourselves back together into ONE vibrational being.

What followed is the result of this experience where we felt rejected, then as time went on it developed into dejected where we judged and fear ourselves as part of the research and development of our collective consciousness.  Love has always had a way of playing the part of teaching us about extremes as move from the place of feeling rejected to being the one to reject others.  This pendulum has taught us the value and resilience of what love and experience and yet still remain the most desirable state of being.  Now in this part of the evolutionary journey, we are awakened to the game and how it is played so we can forgive each other, our Source and our Soul.

No more judgement – no more fear of being:

EJECTED= sent out into the void to experience love and life in a separate state
REJECTED= feeling that we don’t belong, not good enough, or chronically incomplete
DEJECTED= believing we are unworthy, unwelcome, unloved by others