Diversity And The Difference It Makes


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to take a look at the vast differences that we all represent in the universal flow of things.  Each and every soul is as unique as a snow flake and as precious as a diamond in the energetic field of quantum vibration.  It is time to honour those differences instead of judging them and making them the cause for war or rejection that keeps us limited.

The sum of the whole is made up of all parts of what is possible and what is probable.  We are possibly the most complex life form on this planet, but that does not exclude us from having the responsibility of making that a loving and wonderful experience.  As a matter of fact, we are the source of what makes this planet so amazingly diverse and different.

Our greatest challenge as a human race is to see ourselves as extensions of one another and not the opposite.  We cannot be separated by colour, creed, beliefs or judgements without it causing the illusion of separation.  When we choose to break free of the illusions we have been living in, we will truly begin to actually LIVE.  The desire to live in a world of freedom, prosperity, abundance and balance has never been as strong as it is right now.

DIVIDED= the illusion that we are not the same
DIFFERENCE= the celebration of possibilities
DIVERSITY= the advantage of experiencing everything as equal