Dare To Care And Share

Pure Innocence

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the simple power of attitude and how it can make your life more stable, or create a little more chaos if you are not quite done with learning from it.

Each part of your inner processing allows you to carry the images of your beliefs forward into manifesting experiences that support it. If you believe life is meant to be difficult and hard in order to be worthwhile, then shazzam – you get to be right.

If on the other hand you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, you can begin to shift your perception to a simpler form of manifestation that creates helpful insights that uplift and carry you forward in a complimentary way.

DARE= believe in peace on earth even though others do not
DESPAIR= leave the past behind and create a new reality to share
DECLARE= receive a new perspective that sees life as precious and powerful with everything working out to benefit you.