Consciously Creating Love

Inner Alchemy


When we think kind, fair, & truthful thoughts, our feelings respond with trust faith & belief.

Thinking unkind, unfair, untrue thoughts, our feelings respond with doubt fear & worry.

The challenge comes when we choose to ignore our source of information and deny how we feel about it.  This leads to further experiences where we are simply repeating the past and limiting our future to more of the same.

When our energy focus is occupied in the past with guilt, shame and blame, we end up reflecting it into our future without consciously understanding why our life is so difficult.

To embrace the now moment is the only way to shift our reality to a better one.  One where we are focused on what we choose to think about and how we choose to feel about ourselves in our current circumstances. Doing your best is always enough without the expectation of perfection as a standard to achieve.

DIVINE LOVE= the full acceptance of all that is as being loveable no matter what
CONDITIONAL LOVE = the stories and excuses we use to justify our unhappiness
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE = the expansion of our ability to love self and others to the fullest extent of our willingness to allow it.