TODAYS LIFE LESSON: challenges us to take a closer look at what kind of people we surround ourselves with these days to co-create with.  As seekers of the light and life beyond conflict, we are prone to attract those that feel the need to be rescued or cared for.  This feeds our need to be needed. In this energy we are being depleted of our joy and happiness when we do things for the sake of others, we forsake ourselves and our own needs.  It is one thing to help or assist . . . quite another to assume the responsibility of getting them through to a better state of grace.  That is NOT OUR JOB.  As long as we continue to try . . . we will feel incomplete and they will not learn how to resolve their own life challenges.

Our true community, or tribe . . . is a place where we can feel at home, at peace, a part of something greater than ourselves that inspires us to grow and evolve.  Sometimes this group of people are simply refections of ourself and all the things we have held within as reasons to be unhappy.  Be careful choosing your tribe that you don’t just multiply your own life challenges in your friendships and relationships. This will only exaggerate your imbalances.  Try to find a community that supports your growth and encourages your development without the need to control it.

The collective that we are all a part of, is always available to give guidance, assistance and assurance that we are loved and cared for.  What we contribute to that collective, is what we receive back in the way of life support and challenges.  If we are loving and kind to self and others, then help and kindness will find its way into your life experiences and bless you abundantly with the right people and the most needed moments.

CO-CREATORS: like minded souls reflecting our state of mind and intentions
COMMUNITY: mirrors of ourselves that get reflected back until we heal
COLLECTIVE: the sum and total of our state of grace and true intentions