TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to work towards a greater level of clarity in our daily visions and living.  We are reflecting our perceptions and intentions into the world we inhabit through our thoughts, feelings and focus.  Creation is designed to help us once we realize we are in charge of the process and the ultimate outcome of our existence and how we share it with the collective.

Breath in the ULTRA VIOLET LIGHT of Creation and then breathe out anything that is not in alignment with your health and wellbeing.  Let the light saturate each layer of your body, mind and spirit with the cleansing, clearing, clean vibration of wellness and wholeness.  Allow yourself to do this for each and every layer of your physical, mental and emotional being.  The feeling of balance and connectedness will soothe your soul and uplift your spirits when done first thing in the morning.

Visualize each system, organ, gland, structure, cell being cleansed, clear, clean and creating clarity for your body, mind and soul.

CLEANSE= saturate every cell of your being with the ultraviolet light of restoration
CLEAR= release every unloving, unkind or untrue illusion that may be affecting your happiness
CLEAN= the flow of intention and direction so it is open and vibrant through health and vitality
CLARITY= the shift of consciousness from unloving to loving life and how to live it pain free.

Self Respect~Correct~Reject~Eject

Today’s Life Lesson:  share a very important mindset that we must learn to adopt if we are going to be proactive in our own sense of purpose and worth.  There is a vibrational scale that we slide up and down when it comes to our own sense of wellness and wellbeing.  It has so much to do with how we feel about ourselves, what we do to support our state of mind, body and spirit from the internal dialogue that goes on continually.  Who do we listen to?  What part of us is in charge of our perceptive state of belief in who we are?

SELF RESPECT= a state of awareness of our true value and purpose in self love
SELF CORRECT= a state of consciousness where we know how to shift our focus back to love
SELF REJECT= a state of reaction where we forget our value and purpose as worthy of love
SELF EJECT= a state of deterioration where we give up on self respect and reject our purpose