TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: is all about the current global trend towards being gender neutral. It is a phenomena that is gaining momentum and becoming more of a collective focus than ever before. This is a challenge for each and every one of us to stand up and notice, or step up for our rights to a healthy world to live in.

With the use of Glycosphate being spayed in our atmosphere, in our water and in our food, the results are an increase in cellular changes that are undeniable in their presence. We are saturated with toxins and poisons that are distorting our original blueprint of health and wellbeing.

TRANSMISSION: the use of frequencies and toxins to alter the state of awareness and reality that we are living in. Our cell phones, TV’s, computers and hydro generators are all being used to alter our physical, mental and emotional state. This is not by Divine design, but by a minority of profit hungry individuals who will do anything to gain control of humanity in order to benefit from our illness and service to their needs.

TRANSFERANCE: the transfer of energy is being done through the subtle changes of our hormones and cellular data. Our bodies are designed to correct and heal themselves when it is done in a natural way through immunity and evolution. We are designed to adjust and evolve through sicknesses, plagues, viruses and bacterial infestations. We are not designed to do this with chemicals and additives that our body does not recognize as invaders until there is a saturation situation.

TRANSFORMATION: is our survival system kicking in and helping our cells to clear as much as possible while under the stress of supporting our normal body functions. This takes strength, patience, determination and faith that the process can work in time for us to survive the assault. We are created to transform what ever challenges us into a higher state of awareness and understanding. Let us hope this can happen in a reasonable amount of time if humanity is to survive and thrive.

TRANSGENDER: this is the result of the extreme distortions of hormones and cellular imprinting that comes with the use of Glycosphate. If you notice the trend that has been building and present for decades, you can see the progression of what it doing to our bodies and our being.

Women through the increase of ESTROGEN in foods, personal products, chemicals and vaccines are having to have their breasts removed as they become saturated with the toxic waste. They are no longer finding it easy to become pregnant and are having organs removed at an unprecedented rate due to malfunctions and deterioration of tissues.

Men in response to the increase in ESTROGEN are now growing breasts and having hormonal issues that they have not experienced before. They are super emotional and irrational in the battle between the mind of man who is no longer identifying with the masculine blueprint. This in part has led to the vast increase in disease of body and mind creating a high rate of suicide.
The youth of our times are being totally confused by their state of mind, body and spirit as they no longer identify with any one gender but stand in the illusion of not knowing who or what they are.


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to work towards a greater level of clarity in our daily visions and living.  We are reflecting our perceptions and intentions into the world we inhabit through our thoughts, feelings and focus.  Creation is designed to help us once we realize we are in charge of the process and the ultimate outcome of our existence and how we share it with the collective.

Breath in the ULTRA VIOLET LIGHT of Creation and then breathe out anything that is not in alignment with your health and wellbeing.  Let the light saturate each layer of your body, mind and spirit with the cleansing, clearing, clean vibration of wellness and wholeness.  Allow yourself to do this for each and every layer of your physical, mental and emotional being.  The feeling of balance and connectedness will soothe your soul and uplift your spirits when done first thing in the morning.

Visualize each system, organ, gland, structure, cell being cleansed, clear, clean and creating clarity for your body, mind and soul.

CLEANSE= saturate every cell of your being with the ultraviolet light of restoration
CLEAR= release every unloving, unkind or untrue illusion that may be affecting your happiness
CLEAN= the flow of intention and direction so it is open and vibrant through health and vitality
CLARITY= the shift of consciousness from unloving to loving life and how to live it pain free.


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: encourages us to realize that it doesn’t matter where we are in the path of life, whether it is flat sailing, hill climbing or standing at the top of our mountain, the perception is the same . . . I am who I am no matter where I am.  Life has a way of showing us that we are capable of great things and then we must find a way to experience that through our daily endeavours.

Some days the great things are merely getting out of bed.  It is a time when we are vibrationally low and feeling down but our life must go on.  Then there are days when we can see the need to move forward but even the smallest hill can appear to be a struggle . . . the mind convinces us that it is hard work, or heavy lifting to get there.  But the most exciting experience is when we reach what we perceive to be our mountain top.  Something that we have worked hard for, lived passionately for, or just saw as something that was beyond our reach but we got there anyway can be so empowering.

Each place that we find ourselves is equally as challenging – because we must show up in whatever state we are in and give our best effort . . . and that is always enough.

LEVEL GROUND= the day to day challenges that we must go through in life
HILL CLIMBING= the extra effort it takes to keep moving forward and growing
MOUNTAIN TOP= the moment we arrive somewhere we believed we could get to