
TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to work with the vibration of light and the spectrum of colours to address our inner issues and worries.  The body is made up of colours that when in balance are healthy, happy and well adjusted.  As we experience life lessons and learn new levels of awareness, our chakras or energy centres can increase or decrease in intensity.  Where there is an excess of energy, there can be tension and tightness, where there is a lack of energy . . . we can experience tiredness and lethargy.  These two extremes will show up at the same time.

Learning to scan your own chakras internally can help identify where the imbalances are located so they can be reset by intentions and visualization – virtually like resetting the command centre of a hydro panel.  Power surges of excess energy will be drawing energy from another place within the body systems.  Eg.  If you are having emotional issues and are over-reactive to situations (solar plexus), chances are you are having headaches (third eye chakra) or low back aches (root chakra) where the energy is being drawn away from those chakras to support the overcharge in your solar plexus.

To correct this out of balance state – visualize that you are standing in an energy shower of pure white light.  Let the light rain down on you and fill you up from the soles of your feet all the way up to the top of your head and beyond.  The light will defuse the areas of excess, and infuse the areas that are depleted as a normal flow of balance and energy.  Breathe in ‘relaxation, rejuvenation’ and breathe out ‘resistance or resentment’.  Trusting your intuitive guidance helps make this a wonderful way to correct the physical, mental and emotional bodies.  Just let the process soothe your soul and return you to a state of grace where health and happiness are normal.

INHALE= bring in the white light and let it flood your souls vessel from your feet to your crown.
PAUSE= the transition between in breath and out breath where we consciously choose to manifest what we want
EXHALE= release any imbalances, emotions, thoughts or feelings that are keeping you unhappy or unwell.


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: speaks to us of the world of illusions and trauma that surround our senses and energy fields these days.  It is essential to allow the energy to flow through freely without engaging it with judgment or fear.  Simply observe the presence and passing of this time as we near a greater level of awareness and collective consciousness.

Think of the world of illusions as a foggy day where you cannot see and yet you know something is there all around you.  Let the inner voice of reason remind you that the thoughts being shared with your world will either lift if up, or bring it down and then it is easier to decide which one you would rather contribute.  We call this the time of merging . . . the mind . . . the emotions . . . the actions . . . all contribute to the outcome of the sum of the whole.

See the world you envision as the peaceful, loving, compassionate and abundant realm of endless opportunity and possibility.  This is the vision that must be carried high into the collective where the shift is beginning to expand in the direction of making it happen for all to see.  This is the time of emerging . . . thoughts emerging as loving intentions, feelings emerging as compassion and passion, actions emerging as having the courage to stand your ground and stay the course of living in harmony and peace.

Release the world of primitive actions and reactions where the illusion of separation and differences affect the lives of every living soul in this glorious realm of Earth and Heart.  Let go of the need to compete and compare, to judge and be judged, of fearing and forgetting what it is like to be loved.  This is the time of submerging . . . taking the old ways and letting them gently float to the bottom of the vibrational realms like leaves from a tree in autumn.  Let them rest and submerge their energies into the foundation of the earth to be transformed into the new life that is coming soon.

MERGE= coming together as one unified whole
EMERGE= rising above the judgments and fears of differences & separation
SUBMERGE= releasing the old in honour of the new beginnings ready to blossom


Today’s Life Lesson: encourages us to take a very close look at the things we are committed to.  Whether it is people, things, outcomes or goals, none of it matters if you do not have the courage it takes to complete it.  The simple act of having a good idea is enough to inspire us to create something our heart is passionate about.  But the process itself can be quite time consuming and exhausting as we dive into the logistics of making it happen.

Commitment takes courage . . . there is no doubt that we must draw from every part of our being in order to create something that feels worthwhile, satisfying or inspiring.  To only dream the dream and not live the life it brings is what makes us feel unhappy, sad or incomplete until we get to the place where we make a choice.  Facing the inner dragons of destruction, disillusionment and distraction are all a part of what we must face in this manifestation journey.  Each of them will challenge you to look more deeply at your perception, your intentions and your self worth as you go through the process.

Courage takes commitment . . . you can’t start something and not finish it and feel like you are accomplishing something worthwhile.  Most of us are great starters, but when the challenges come we fall down and give up, or walk away and follow another idea the floats by which ends up in the same file of incomplete goals and dreams.  This is the most frustrating and disheartening thing we repeatedly do to ourselves and then wonder why we are unhappy!

Completion of a goal or a dream, is very empowering.  It is where we begin to trust that we are not only capable of imagining great things for ourselves, but that we are also quite capable of manifesting them.  This takes practice, time and effort, but is well worth the sweat equity when the moment finally arrives and we see our dream in action or in reality.  There is no greater feeling for the soul to experience when it comes to living in a state of empowered, conscious creation.  That is what we are designed and destined to do. When we don’t complete our dreams and desires, we end up living in a world of chaos and pain that challenges us to finish what we started.

COURAGE= the inner strength we each have to draw from in every moment
COMMITMENT= the desire to stay the course and not get distracted or disillusioned along the way
COMPLETION= the moment when it all comes together and reveals your deepest desire to manifest your dreams