TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to work towards a greater level of clarity in our daily visions and living.  We are reflecting our perceptions and intentions into the world we inhabit through our thoughts, feelings and focus.  Creation is designed to help us once we realize we are in charge of the process and the ultimate outcome of our existence and how we share it with the collective.

Breath in the ULTRA VIOLET LIGHT of Creation and then breathe out anything that is not in alignment with your health and wellbeing.  Let the light saturate each layer of your body, mind and spirit with the cleansing, clearing, clean vibration of wellness and wholeness.  Allow yourself to do this for each and every layer of your physical, mental and emotional being.  The feeling of balance and connectedness will soothe your soul and uplift your spirits when done first thing in the morning.

Visualize each system, organ, gland, structure, cell being cleansed, clear, clean and creating clarity for your body, mind and soul.

CLEANSE= saturate every cell of your being with the ultraviolet light of restoration
CLEAR= release every unloving, unkind or untrue illusion that may be affecting your happiness
CLEAN= the flow of intention and direction so it is open and vibrant through health and vitality
CLARITY= the shift of consciousness from unloving to loving life and how to live it pain free.


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a deep insight into the inner world of our own perception.  We tend to feel there is a ‘hole’ in our soul or heart where our parents, siblings, partners, children and friends should occupy.  These spaces are part of the conditions we develop over a lifetime where the belief is that these individuals are what makes our life worthwhile and worthy.  As a result we end up feeling less than worthy, deserving or accepted.

The truth is that we are ‘whole’ when we fill those holes of expectations or illusions with our own love of self.  This is the hardest thing to do under the generations of conditioning we have accumulated.  Loving ones self has  not been considered ‘holy’.  It is taught that we must avoid the self love that is necessary in order to conform to a false sense of service and sacrifice in order to be normal or accepted.

Take some time today and focus on filling the HOLES in your soul or heart with so much love that it pours right through those holes until the filling of our outer world overflows and fills the space of our inner world.  That way the what used to be a hole in your heart becomes a portal for the natural flow of love to be a gateway where only love can occupy the space and easily flow in and out with each breath.

HOLE= a place where love can easily flow either way to support our soul and purpose
WHOLE= a sense of completeness where we are endlessly full of self love and compassion
HOLY= a state of grace where we are so filled with love we have nothing else to share


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: offers us so many opportunities and options when it comes to making choices and decisions.  It is more important than ever to be in touch with our inner spirit where all things divine and aligned are waiting for us to enter.  Think of each door as a possibility that can take you from where you are . . . to where you are meant to be at a higher level of consciousness with a deeper connection to Source.  Each time we go beyond our comfort zone, and challenge ourselves to achieve or accomplish something that we fear, we break through limitations and lack to expand into a new realm of living.

There are always certain ideas or feelings that we might have that keep us limited or small in our beliefs.  These are the doors that are the most challenging to face never mind enter into.  Our sense of ‘what if’ can get the better of us and talk us out of more than we are convinced we can do.  But ‘what if’ the very blessing we are seeking or the very idea we have been chasing is on the other side of that door waiting for us to discover it?

The more we stress over the idea or commitment to this level of change, the more unhappy we become.  This sense of despair is usually in direct proportion to the urgency of why we HAVE TO go through the door if we will ever find a sense of peace and contentment or happiness.  If it is something you think about all the time and even dream about it, or something you react to all the time, then it MUST BE TIME to go through that door.  After all . . . what is the worst that can happen?  If you can’t think of anything that is unacceptable, or unachievable then here is your moment and your confirmation to go ahead and DO IT.  It offers you the most incredible sense of freedom and empowerment and a whole new view on how you  live life.

THINK IT= when you can’t stop thinking about something
DREAM IT= when you deeply desire it to the point it shows up in your dreams
DO IT= when you finally say OK and walk through that door of limitation or fear