Take A Meditation Vacation . . .

Meditation Vacation

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON:  inspires us to take time to relax and have a rejuvenating vacation from life and all its busyness.  Even if it is just a short journey away for a few moments to a place where your soul is peaceful and content – this will greatly change your mood and the ability to focus on what really matters.

RELAXATION= set the mood by using your breath to focus on letting go of tension and stress while you close your eyes and simply do some deep sighing.
MEDITATION= quiet the mind as you enter into a state of easy floating or flowing in a buoyant sea of tranquility.
IMAGINATION= simply let your inner child pretend it is on a raft floating on the river of adventures, and see what images are passing by as you float along.
VISUALIZATION= let the images come to life with colours and sounds and messages that speak to you clearly of how wonderful life can be in this energy.
RECREATION= begin to interact with the animals and nature as you feel welcomed and inspired to dance and play or sing along.
MANIFESTATION= increase your awareness to how this is the simplest form of manifestation that can change your life, your energy and your synergy with all that is.
CREATION= rise as high as you can in this blissful state of grace where all things are clear and simple.  Answers come, solutions are presented, and options that can change and improve your life are clear.

Return to the moment of now by following your breath and your bliss back to the present while keeping the feelings and sensations of wellbeing in your heart and soul.

Addiction Programming & Patterning Creating A Gap Within My Soul

Enlightened Self

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a lot of understanding on how we create and maintain our addictive behaviour and chronic conditions.

DENY= resenting the truth and what it really means at soul level
DEFY= resisting the truth about what I think and how I feel
PASIFY= relinquishing the truth for the sake of self or others
INTENSIFY= repeating a belief or fear until it cannot be ignored or denied
IDENTIFY= relating to my environment in a an honest and truthful way
DEIFY= redirecting self power by making something or someone else more important and significant than myself
REDEFY= reflecting a thought and feeling that is manifesting through judgement or fear onto others instead of owning it myself
JUSTIFY= resisting ownership of a truth or belief that is being hidden inside my reasons and excuses

Discovery of these qualities within myself will assist in the process of letting go of the need to use reflections to learn from.  Once I take full responsibility and ownership of my own thoughts and feelings, the answers to my deepest programs and patterns begins to surface in a way I can understand and comprehend.

Once all of the reflections and rejections are unmasked, my soul can then see more clearly what is being learned and embrace it as a gift of wisdom.  From this place of making peace within my soul, there is a release of judgment and fear and a sense of freedom begins to expand from within my heart centre.

The true identity of my soul can only be revealed when it is time to complete the research and accept the rewards that come with it – enlightenment of my soul and a full reunion with conscious creation.

The Greatest Gift Of All –

Honour Traditions

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: honours the traditions of many cultures and religions as we all strive impart the same messages of hope and peace this time of year.  We are all formed by the same sacred light of creation, and at some point will accept we are all one.  It can be challenging to acknowledge each others differences, but in the end it those same differences that make us unique and inspirational pieces of the cosmic puzzle called life.

In the days drawing near to the celebration of peace and the concept of giving, let us consider the offering the greatest gift of all. The gift that each of us deserves to have and to share both from within ourselves, and within the hearts of humanity that we share this great planet with – that gift is forgiveness.  For – giving – without conditions or expectations.

FORGIVENESS= to give without conditions or exceptions
FORGIVING= to give freely of ones own heart and soul
FORGIVEN= to be free of judgment or criticism