TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares some insights into the current year we are experiencing. There is always a word that I am given to represent each year as an overall energy. This years word is CLARITY. Not surprising when we see it is the numbers 2020. What better way to keep the focus going on all that we have achieved this far?

There is a quote from the bible that states ‘WITHOUT A VISION MY PEOPLE PARISH’. It has always made me wonder what that actually meant . . . but having had a lifetime of visions and dreams and a sense of direction that was always made clear to me when the time was right, I get it now. Our thoughts, feelings and actions are the sum and total of our ability to manifest. It is more important than ever that we have a very CLEAR vision or sense of direction that we would like to follow for our life to have meaning and purpose.

The mind can only offer what has come before – a memory – a moment – a minute segment of what we have already experienced, whether that be a good moment or not – it still has us captive until we have completed the experience and gained the wisdom from it. Our feelings can only react based on what has happened before as we feel a connection to a similar moment in time and try to relate what direction we must take to enhance that feeling – or heal it.

Without a clear vision – we go in circles, cycles and seasons of the same pattern and program until we are ready and willing to break free. Honesty is required for this leap of faith. When we own our illusionary past and lovingly request a new course of action – the theme of our journey changes dramatically.

As we work through the judgments and fears that we have gathered throughout life we can begin to relate more closely to the ones that benefit us, and the ones that don’t. Peeling away the pieces that are not loving, kind or true help us find our sense of self and who we are, compared to who we feel we truly want to be. The gap in-between those perceptions holds the answers to what we must conquer or surrender in order to stand firmly in our truth which is called integrity.

CLARITY = the word for this years 2020 vision quest for self empowerment. To see clearly we must be able to rise above our judgments and fears to reveal and heal the old wounds and embody a new truth about who we are. Relating to this word each day will help us grow and evolve with grace and ease. If it feels loving – follow it . . . if it does not . . . release it.

HONESTY= the moment we are in where we can determine if we are living in our truth and holding on to our soul self in a loving way. Without self love there cannot be a genuine love for others. We cannot give what we do not have. Check in with soul self – am I loving who I am? or putting conditions on myself that make me unhappy?

INTEGRITY = the level of truth we are willing to live in. It can be as simple as sharing a vulnerable part of who we are, or as complicated as exposing the worst fears we possess so that it cannot hold us hostage any more. Living in integrity means you uphold your values whether someone else is watching and aware or not. Living up to your own level of truth in the presence of temptation is part of what helps us restore our personal power.


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: – speaks of the energy that is distorted when we begin to loose the ability to trust.  When the heart is not trusted, followed or respected as the source of love in life, we instantly change our vibration to reflect that loss and the battle begins.

THOUGHTS – we begin to doubt, judge, criticize and reject what the heart wants and what it is trying to reveal to us in each moment, breath and heart beat.  This is very challenging pattern to break out of as the longer we stay in it, the further from the truth we get and the deeper into darkness we mentally descend.  Our thoughts become our enemy that we can on longer trust as we fight to make sense of life and what is happening in our reality and how we relate to it (or not).

FEELINGS – when we don’t trust them, begin to waver and expand and contract into overwhelmed or numbness that we cannot understand or follow in any direction that brings us through to a better place.  Our emotions become a punishment as we descend into victim mode and flounder around hoping to find a way out of this self imposed prison of despair.

For our season of mastery, we spend every waking moment in this battle of wits and wills to find our way through.  Many spend most of their days chasing after butterflies – (people, things, ideas and promises) that are made by others about finding the way out or the answers to the deep questions that torment us inside.  Every time we get close to a discovery – another butterfly goes by and we are off chasing it without even knowing why.

TRUST – is powerful when it is being followed with a strong sense of faith in the purpose and outcome of our life force.  It is devastating when our heart is broken and we break that trust connection and get lost in the wilderness of this unloving world we live in.  

THOUGHTS = the information and ideas that we have about who we are and why we are here on the planet today.  When we trust our heart knows the way, we have clear thoughts and a sense of direction based on ideas that we can see, experience and witness as loving or unloving.

FEELINGS = the intuition and insights we naturally have that are a form of modern day GPS giving us a sense of connection and direction that we must take based on how we feel about ourselves, and self in relation to others.  When we do not trust our feelings are there to guide us and ignore them or avoid them – we remain imprisoned in a world of grief and loss, feeling unloved and unworthy of love.

THE WAR OF THE AGES = humanities disconnection from the heart centre and how it is the source of our well being, our abundance, our sense of direction, our manifestation and reflection of what or who we trust.  Trust no one – including self . . . and the war goes on indefinitely until we are so exhausted we have nothing left to fight with.  Surrender will come at some point – by design or by default.  The war will end and we will be renewed and reconnected to the source of our creation that we can trust again – EARTH/HEART. 


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: is a revelation in my souls journey. The shift of energies has been intense over the last year and as we come to the end of the year, we are also coming to the end of a monumental decade. Life as we know it is being transformed and upgraded to allow us to live on a much higher plain of existence. Our evolution has brought us to the brink of reality and we are being prepared for a grand leap.

I have worked with vibrational medicine and principles my whole life. I was introduced to frequency healing at the age of 3 when my family pet bit me and later was diagnosed with rabies. The information was not available in time for the doctors to treat me and my parents began a desperate search for someone or something to save my life.

They discovered a revolutionary doctor of chiropractics who was building a frequency machine to treat cellular imbalances and illnesses. He was way ahead of his time and could do treatments remotely while I lay at home in my sick bed – he was tuning into my by using a lock of my hair. That was enough DNA to help set the tone for a clearing by using what is similar to radio waves. Dr. Neilson was his name, from Georgetown, Ontario, Canada.

So fast forward to today in my 65th year of life after near death, I have dedicated my life to living it as a healer. Last week I was working with the Emotion Code therapy that I have been studying and have my certification in. After a very deep session where a lot of very hurtful inner child issues came to the surface, internally I felt like was going to explode. It lasted and intensified for 3 days until I was physically very uncomfortable and wondered what the heck was going on . . .

Within 20 minutes my body went through a massive purging process. I had explosive diarrhea, followed by vomiting which I rarely experience in my entire life! During the process, I was uncommonly calm, at peace, almost in a trans-like state. When it was all over I heard a voice inside me saying ‘thank you for healing me body’.

That was my revelation moment!!! All the years I have been seeking to heal my body from the outside, from my desire for knowledge, from my gift of energy work healing and a very highly attuned intuitive empathic state. It was all focused on something or someone outside of me holds the keys to me feeling happy, healthy, worthy and wealthy. WOW – have I changed my perception in a profound way. My self, my soul and my source are all one.

My body has an intelligence that is remarkable . . . it is powerful, beautiful, wise and loving. Now that I am actually listening to it and having wonderful conversations with it, my body has not felt this good in a very long time . . . I am unwinding my illusions, peeling the layers and allowing my body to guide me along the way to greater balance and wholeness.

So now instead of saying I am searching for ways to heal my body, I say MY BODY HEALS ME every day. My body loves me the way I deserved to be loved and it holds the keys to so many more moments of profound wisdom. A brand new adventure has begun.