What We Focus On

Elemental Fire


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: has us checking in with our own self to see what level of action and reaction we are focused on.  Some days its the little things that make us crazy, and other days the bigger picture has us standing back pondering what our next move will be.  This broad spectrum of options and opportunities make life very interesting.

With the current energy changes and amplifications it is easy to be engaged in a constant flow of emotional turmoil where our reactions are not only over the top, but totally out of character.  In those moments when you recognize you are in an elevated state of being, it is important to bring your focus back to what really matters.

We always have a choice of where we are spending our time, efforts and energies.  To shift focus back to the moment we can simply follow our breath and go within to a place of sanctuary energy in stillness and serenity. Reseting ourselves to what is important makes such a difference to the kind of day we will have.

MOOD MAKER= a reaction to what we are thinking
HEART BREAKER= a reaction to what we are feeling
SOUL SHAKER= a reaction to what we are doing


Winter Wolf Moon

Clan Memories


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to look at the fullness of our future and see the blessings of the ages that are unfolding.  We are in a phase of creation where the wilderness of our dreams is beginning to call into being the truth of what we desire.  The spirit of the lone wolf has been guiding us deeper and deeper into our own hearts sanctuary where the real part of our soul is awakening. We have walked away from so many partnerships, friendships, and relationships in pursuit of this destiny.

Each time we take an inner journey to the place where there is only the wild spirit of our true nature, we discover a part of ourselves that is longing to be set free.  The challenge is to listen without feeling in some way overwhelmed by what absolute freedom would mean.  We are so used to the social and political boundaries that have been set in place for centuries, that the thought of living outside those boundaries can be intimidating.

The spirit of the wolf moon adds a full dimension of possibilities that we can at least consider what life is going to be like when we allow our soul to live free and clear of all fears and judgements, conditions and criticisms.  To once again follow our true soul’s desires and lift our sights to a higher level of freedom for all.  First the vision – then the direction will be shown to us as the future unfolds a realm of unlimited creation.

VISUALIZE= holding the image of what your heart desires
EMPATHIZE= understand the significance of what that will create
REALIZE= manifest the true reality that you are destined to live in

Wild Horses Could Not Tear Us Apart

Soul Reunion

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: ushers in a new level of energy that compels us to unite the inner male and female in a way that reflects the level of love we are seeking.  This union is based on the full acceptance of self on all levels.  The marriage of the male and female self is one of the most sacred moments in the journey of a soul.

The idea of being so fully committed to your inner knowing to the degree that it feels divine is the ultimate goal of bringing in the new reality.  To allow self to be so loved and adored that it doesn’t matter what happens from that moment on there is a great sense of love and adoration that celebrates creation in a wholesome new way.

Love on this level is the epitome of unconditional love.  It does not matter what happened from this time on a soul can accept and allow the beauty of creation to be expressed in any way it chooses without feeling incomplete.  The adventures take on a more pleasant level of seeking to fulfill ones one dreams and desires without the presence of judgement and fear.  The need for greed is gone and the game of compete and compare no longer appeals to anyone.  The diversity of a soul can flourish in this energy and develop a higher awareness of love and expand it further into the universal flow of the divine.

REUNION= the coming together of male & female at soul level
UNION= the reconnection to the source of universal divine within
UNITED= the collective energy of sacred souls as one light & love