TODAYS LIFE LESSON: invites us to spend some time each day in our inner sanctuary where all things spiritual and divine are made clearer. This is a place where we can consciously create our new reality and soul desires.

When we dedicate ourselves to clearing the old we make way for the new.  Old thoughts, feelings, memories and traumas can be transformed in this inner place of peace and tranquility.

Find a place where you feel safe and secure, serene and assured of your truth, your perceptions and beliefs can be altered there. Clearing the mind and emotions can greatly affect your daily experience and the outcome.

SECURE= feeling at home and at peace with soul self and life
SURE= feeling confident and courageous about conquering life challenges
ASSURE= feeling supported and calm while you transform the old ways





Over the centuries, we have been gradually shifted in our awareness and consciousness to accept that we no longer have rights or freedoms.  These valued laws and sense of common decency have been altered gradually so as not to send up any red flags while being systematically re-written.

We have gone from a human race that has the freedom of choice, religion, beliefs, structure and focus, to a state run prison system where we pay for the privilege of being incarcerated.  We pay for the air we breathe (chem-trails), the water we drink (fluoride), the resources we depend on (toxic fuels) and the food we eat (GMO poison).  We support these systems with our hard earned wages and taxes by subsidizing them, then pay even more for the privilege of purchasing them so we can function.

But . . . the good news is, once we have an awareness of these things, we develop a sense of righteous indignation that leads to a new direction of releasing the need to support this illusionary prison.  We have the right to say no . . . to decline contributing, to consciously focus on a better way to live by coming together as a large collective group of passive resistance.  Aggressive resistance will only lead to more devastation and destruction of our human race.  The same way we have willingly supported the rise of oppression and deception – we can unravel it like an old sweater that takes a fraction of the time to pull it apart than it did to slowly knit it together.

RIGHT= a single belief in balance or fairness
WRITE= recording our beliefs from our own perception
RE-WRITE= changing our focus on what is important
RIGHTS= standing up for our truth in a peaceful way

I asked Source once about the definition of Human Rights . . .
And these were the answers:

Our Human Bill of Rights – by Donna Hamilton 1996 ©

  1. I have the right to exist in whatever physical form I have chosen to experience.
  2. I have a right to expression of that form through thoughts, feelings and emotions.
  3. I have a right to make choices for my own development and learning.
  4. I have a right to my own space and area to experience life in.
  5. I have a right to not share that space if I feel the need for solitude.
  6. I have a right to my opinion and my perception of myself and others.
  7. I have a right to pursue knowledge and growth that make me feel happy, loving and Whole.
  8. I have a right to express my feelings as part of my human nature.
  9. I have a right to my thoughts and the creations they inspire.
  10. I have a right to experience life through my attitude towards myself and others.
  11. I have a right to the friendships and relationships I choose to connect with.
  12. I have a right to pursue happiness in whatever form that takes.
  13. I have a right to be trusted as someone who seeks the highest no matter what path I choose.
  14. I have a right to be heard when I am feeling defensive, angry or sad.
  15. I have a right to be respected for my choices and ideas.
  16. I have a right to withdraw myself from people or circumstances that make me feel uncomfortable.
  17. I have a right to communicate with others of my choice without being judged or judging.
  18. I have a right to serve God in whatever form I choose to express that service in.
  19. I have a right to give or receive from others based on my willingness and intent.
  20. I have a right to accept or deny any or all of these rights within myself – but not for others



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: has us taking a very intimate (in-to-me-see) journey to discover how we do what we do, and how we get what we get from our own personal processing methods.  The formula to create life experiences is always the same, however the outcome and income are uniquely different for each of us.

We are designed to embody the vastness of the universe and all of the options and opportunities it offers us in the way of creating ways of learning and evolving.  Within the vastness of options the formula for processing is done through the pendulum of thoughts and feelings working individually, and then collectively together to manifest our full potential.  This is what is called the collective consciousness, where we not only learn as individuals, but contribute what we learn to the sum of the whole as a community of light beings.  This is called the COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS.

The mind is designed as an intake portal for endless thoughts and ideas to enter into our vibrational reality.  This processor is called MORTAL MIND which is limited to the willingness of each individual to work with the thought, or to reject it as part of our FREE WILL rights. Each chakra energy centre contributes to this process starting at the third eye all the way down to the root chakra.  The challenge is not to get stuck using only one or two processors, but to allow the use of all of them to help complete the concept.

MENTAL MIND= our human processor that brings in thoughts from the collective
MORTAL MIND= our memory processor that filters what we are ‘willing’ to learn
MONKEY MIND= our child mind that would rather play around with possibilities
MISERY MIND= our recording mind recalling hurtful things that happened in the past
MESSY MIND= our emotional mind that reacts to everything excessively
MASTERY MIND= our higher self mind that comes to conclusions to live with