Time To Ful-fill Our Potential

Emerging Soul

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that it is time to fulfil our true potential as a light being and soul.  This process would have us taking a very close look at our concept of using the glass half full or empty analogy.  We have outgrown this limiting vision for ourselves in so many ways.  It is not about how do we describe or choose between emptiness and fullness, but to transcend all the way to fulfilment and the art of overflow.

The universal flow of energy has expanded and increased our capacity to manifest with a greater level of vibration that brings a brighter light to this world when we allow it to.  Our inner core reactor is being activated through our DNA and RNA awakening so we can consciously comprehend what working with energy and vibration is about.  We are made up of love and light – aka vibration and sound.  We are eternal beings on an amazing quest to expand the universe to the next level of creation.  So how do we do that?

The cup can no longer remain half full OR empty!  It must be filled to the brim and overflowing with all the potential and possibilities we are capable of. Lets fill the vessel that is our soul and sacred being by consciously creating an unlimited overflow by being:

JOYFUL= let the joy from within overflow in your life experiences
THOUGHTFUL= allow yourself to be considerate of self & others
GRATEFUL= give & receive graciously and allow the blessings
THANKFUL= perceive the gift and life is giving you every day
HOPEFUL= maintain the faith that all is well & flowing free
GRACEFUL= remain in a state of grace that uplifts you & others
CAREFUL= be compassionate and caring towards self & others
PLAYFUL= allow the inner child to challenge you and entertain you
PEACEFUL= be content to know all is well and working perfectly

Lets Feel The Flow Of Abundance Today

Rainbow Warriors

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: suggests that we check in with Source Self and see if we are in the flow, observing the flow, or avoiding the flow?  There are so many who are praying for abundance and manifestation of funds or opportunities, that the universal flow of energy is expanding to accommodate it.  The challenge comes when there is a request given, but not permission granted.  This is the art of ALLOWING.

If you are envisioning the flow and can see a picture of it – then you are not IN IT.
If you can imagine there is a flow, but cannot see it in your life, then you are AVOIDING IT.  If you envision the flow and FEEL IT moving through your body then you are IN IT.

Your feelings are the gateway to abundance and opportunities.  When you allow yourself to feel happy, enthusiastic, energetic, loving, kind, fair or truthful, then you are opening the floodgates to a greater way of living and being.  The energy of abundance is only as present as you allow it to be.  Your level of comfort with the idea you deserve to be blessed and provided for will gauge how open your flood gates will be.

The only thing that can stop or slow the flow – is YOU.

IT=  I trust
BE IN IT= ENTRUST your needs to the river of abundance
FEEL IT= EMBODY TRUST and then let the blessings overflow
FLOW WITH IT= EMERCE yourself in the river of abundance
FOLLOW IT= EMBRACE the abundant flow and and allow it to move through you


Wild Horses Could Not Tear Us Apart

Soul Reunion

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: ushers in a new level of energy that compels us to unite the inner male and female in a way that reflects the level of love we are seeking.  This union is based on the full acceptance of self on all levels.  The marriage of the male and female self is one of the most sacred moments in the journey of a soul.

The idea of being so fully committed to your inner knowing to the degree that it feels divine is the ultimate goal of bringing in the new reality.  To allow self to be so loved and adored that it doesn’t matter what happens from that moment on there is a great sense of love and adoration that celebrates creation in a wholesome new way.

Love on this level is the epitome of unconditional love.  It does not matter what happened from this time on a soul can accept and allow the beauty of creation to be expressed in any way it chooses without feeling incomplete.  The adventures take on a more pleasant level of seeking to fulfill ones one dreams and desires without the presence of judgement and fear.  The need for greed is gone and the game of compete and compare no longer appeals to anyone.  The diversity of a soul can flourish in this energy and develop a higher awareness of love and expand it further into the universal flow of the divine.

REUNION= the coming together of male & female at soul level
UNION= the reconnection to the source of universal divine within
UNITED= the collective energy of sacred souls as one light & love