A Greater World – A Greater Vision

The Dreamer Awakens

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to consider what the world we live in would be like if we changed our perception of what it is?  We are familiar with the concept of wanting and wishing for a better world, but this is part of the old measurement system and will only keep us judging, criticizing and measuring each other as part of the old paradigm.

When we begin to view the world through the lens of greatness, we will see a newer, higher and wider perspective that brings us into alignment with the new reality that is forming.  Tuning into our greater self, the greater plan and the greater vision of this world will accelerate the process into a higher vibrational frequency of love and light.

With greatness comes goodness.  We see the good in ourselves and ultimately in each other.  The flaws become moments filled with patience, fears become walls we can break through into the fullness of our faith, and judgments become blessings of forgiveness where we learn to tolerate each other at a whole new level of compassion.

GREATER SELF= aligning to the best that we can be
GREATER PLAN= awakening to our real purpose
GREATER VISION= aware of who we really are

Family, Friends, Foes

The Art Of Balance

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a common theme among those of us who are intending to have a more balanced and holistic lifestyle.  The shift is being driven by our inner longing for peace and tranquility in the face of adversity.  Each and every heart is purging the layers of hurt it has been holding onto.

Our true nature is being shown a whole new perspective on what is important, or relevant and what is simply a waste of time and effort.  To continue to build bridges and fences with those that are not in alignment with the concept of fairness, kindness and honesty is a  sure way to have your heart hurt one more time.  Selecting relationships that will be more sensitive to you and your uniqueness will become a daily blessing that will lift you higher than those who don’t understand you or accept you.

The most challenging of all relationships are those that are coming from our loved ones.  Our families, our friends, and yes even our foes are contributing to our current growth and development at soul level.  The more they reject you – the more you will feel independent and challenged to stand alone with a heart that is overflowing with love.  This is the beginning of connecting to the source of unconditional love.  Just remember – they are doing this to test you first, but then to help you achieve what was formerly impossible.

FAMILY= kindred spirit by chance and by choice
FRIENDS= chosen spirits by head and heart
FOES= requested spirits by karma and clearing

The Truth Test

The Courage To Change

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: Challenges us to take a closer look at how we process life lessons and relationships.  We are in the final stages of clearing our karma, and through that process we begin to see the truth for what it is and make our decisions based on how we want to live our lives going forward.

Each layer of our intricate blueprint contributes to the level of awareness and wholeness that we are able to achieve.   The science of vibrational energy is reflected in our daily challenges and is directly affected by the choices we make.  There comes a time when only that which is of the purest and highest truth can set your soul free.

The more we resist this process, the more intense it becomes.  Our greatest allies in this dance are our enemies.  They are the ones who can trigger us the quickest, and affect us the deepest which is exactly where we need to go in order to purge our inner sanctuary from judgment and fear.

Denying the truth= reveals our level of mental integrity
Avoiding the truth= reveals our level of emotional honesty
Embracing the truth= reveals our level of spiritual maturity