TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reveals the process we go through in life to discover our destiny.  We are guided through the maze of options and opportunities to learn, grow and remember what we already know within our soul.  This process can be uplifting or devastating, depending on what the lesson/blessing is.  Once we realize what our own process is like and discover there is a rhythm and flow to it, we can move through the life lessons with more grace and ease.  The goal is to surrender to the lesson so it becomes the blessing it was designed to be.

Here are some of the steps we can go through as part of the normal energetic programs and patterns we have pre-selected to experience before incarnating.  Knowing we have set these obstacles/goals in front of ourselves helps us realize where there is a prior inspiration/idea/image we once held, it is inevitable we will keep returning to it until we have completed the purpose of what it is teaching us and why we chose it!

MESSENGER= the image or inspiration that is given to us at the perfect moment we are ready to enter into an adventure of discovery.  The messenger can come in many forms like dreams, daydreams, meditative viewing, music, words that others share both uplifting or hurtful (both can trigger a life lesson experience).  The messengers purpose is to deliver the wake up call and invite you to enter into the dance of discovery, with the intent to make it all the way through to a place of revelation.

MESS= the energetic quantum field where we initiate contact with what is needed to succeed in learning or remembering our life lesson.  This mess will usually come in the form of a conflict, a situation where fear is inhibiting our progress, or a judgment stands in the way of us discovering a very important truth about ourselves.  The ‘mess’ is what keeps us cycling through the illusion while we believe somewhere inside we are doing the right thing, and seeking the best outcome.  When the ‘mess’ gets ‘messy’ most souls fall down and surrender to the situation until it is clear which way we need to move to find our way out.  This can take minutes, hours, days, weeks or even years, depending on the level of challenge it presents us with.

MESSAGE= the discovery of what the lesson/blessing is all about.  That ah ha moment when it all comes together and clicks into place.  A revelation of truth along with a purpose and sense of completion that every soul enjoys arriving at.  This is the place where the pieces of your cosmic puzzle come together and fit beautifully in place.  It doesn’t matter that the image or picture might be abstract or blurry to begin with.  Sooner or later when all of the steps have been completed and our awareness is fully engaged the whole life lesson becomes CRYSTAL CLEAR.


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: I was shown a beautiful analogy during a quiet meditation this morning.  In the stillness of the healing sanctuary I go to I was shown a beautiful vision of a clear sky without any clouds to block my view.  The voice of my higher self was very clear and engaging as I was asked to envision that I was flying.  I was in complete surrender to the air and the wind as it carried me along effortlessly.  It felt as if the weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders and my heart . . . a much needed experience in my hectic world.

As the flight came to the part where I was asked if I would like to land it became clear that I was not aware in my conscious mind how to go about that, but trusted I would be shown.  The moment I hesitated I could feel the tension in my body.  Then when I felt the reaction my body was having my mind shifted focus to the ‘what if’ senerios and my emotions reacted by feeling afraid.  It all happened so fast I was not even given time to respond before I could feel myself falling.

Then the voice of my higher self spoke to my soul and said – “you see how quickly you can go from serenity and bliss to tension and terror?  It is all about the ability to trust that when I consciously choose to change direction, I must also consciously choose how I feel about that change . . . before I make a move in that direction.  It is like flying a plane and landing it flawlessly.  There is a belief supported by a vision which draws upon a faith born of experience which completes the task at hand flawlessly.  It is catching myself in that moment when the choices are being made that make the take off or landing smooth and seamless.  Like a feather in the wind I rise or fall without feeling I am unsafe, unwell or unworthy of succeeding at something that truly is so simple.”

LIVING= a conscious choice on how I want my life to unfold
LOVING= a conscious feeling I hold towards myself and how I live
LANDING= a conscious vision that I hold that gives me direction towards success.


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reveals the illusions we live through as we evolve and ascend into our highest vibrational state of grace.  This takes many lifetimes, and a willingness to allow the development of our soul to enhance our true purpose in being.  We attract those who support our quest for learning at the vibrational level we are currently at.  To evolve past that, we must be ready and willing to let EVERYTHING & EVERYONE go.  This does not mean the end of our existence as a human being, but it initiates the transformation of our humanness into our divine being.  The difference is our capacity to love ourselves and others equally.

I have discovered through my meditative process, that I have been living with a severe addiction (we all have them), but mine was being addicted to helping people who do not want to be helped.  I now realize that it was not my job in the first place, but as a caring and compassionate soul I felt it was my DUTY to at least offer to support them while they were still asleep so they could feel loved and appreciated.  This illusion is no longer present as I have finally woken up to the truth of who I am, and the clarity is amazing.  Here are my revelations to share with you . . .

Source showed me in a very clear vision how the current energy exchange is working when we think we are helping and healing, we are actually contributing to the issue and illness of our loved ones!  The vision was of someone with a cold coming and talking to me.  They were obviously sick, complaining about their state of suffering, while coughing in my face.  They wanted me to hear their story – they wanted me to feel their pain – then needed me to feel sorry for them.  So a few moments later (days in the vision) I was coughing, sneezing and feeling miserable with the same cold they had.  Now they appeared again and said – I know how you feel – I had it too.  What they were actually letting me know, was that they were glad I was still at the same place they were in the need to suffer.  It was not a gift of compassion or caring that was being shared, but the unwillingness to heal their own situation as long as they could get others to stay suffering with them.

SYMPATHY= feeling sorry for self or others who are experiencing difficult, challenging or hurtful times in their quest for knowledge and ascension is not helping at all.  This does not help them, but contributes to their willingness to remain in their illusion as long as we are willing to listen to their sad stories, we support them in their state of stuckness.  The illusion is that they are asking for help, when in fact, they simply want you to feel sorry for them and to listen to their list of reasons why they are so unhappy and alone in their illusion.  When we do sympathize – we lower our vibration to where they are and join them in their sorrow or sickness.  This will never achieve the upliftment of either one . . . it simply perpetuates the state of stuck for both people.

EMPATHY= the feeling of compassion and understanding that comes from living through similar experiences that have taught us to be more patient and kind with others who are still exploring the state of suffering through not allowing themselves to fully heal.  It is knowing that we can only inspire them to make it through to a better place by showing them it is possible.  No amount of help or giving directions and instructions will help them break through to where you are.  It is by example alone that we can be of service here.  Do not try to relate to their state of being in any way.  It is a fruitless idea that will not bear any fruit but bitterness on their part.  Just love them where they are – and love yourself in the place that you are without the need to compare in any way.

EULOGY= the point where we say goodby to those that we feel obligated to wait for or help.  It is knowing that by saying goodbye, we are terminating our vibrational connection with them so that they are free to experience their and suffering fully until they are done with it.  It is like saying goodbye to a loved one who you have known for your entire lifetime and the idea of letting them go is hard to endure . . . but what is actually happening is, you will now be able to live fully in the moment.  Yesterdays memories are celebrated, todays memories are appreciated, and tomorrows possibilities are initiated from a place where all is well.  This is how we truly honour a soul who is still in the lower realms of vibrational research.  We pray for them . . . we celebrate them . . . we honour them for having the courage and the faith to find their way.