Clan Memories Are Surfacing To Guide Us

Clan Memories

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares an insight into some of the inner conflicts that are swirling around in our inner awareness these days.  We are from the lineage of light that has woven a thread of information from deep within our minds and souls that runs all the way back to when time began.  These memories are what keeps us focused on our souls purpose.

When the time is right for each and every soul there is an inner awakening that allows the cause and effect of our souls purpose to become known.  During this time we are prone to being upset, forgetful, agitated and frustrated.  As all of the pieces begin to come to the surface we are responsible for putting them together to achieve a larger picture of who we are and why we are here.

During this upheaval, we seem to want to listen more often to those around us, and less likely to listen to the voice within us.  This creates a time and a season of chaos as the truth swirls around in our minds and then stirs up our feelings, and then ultimately stimulates the awakening of a deeper truth that sets us free.  Have patience with yourself if you are in this process and experiencing some of these symptoms.  It will all come together for you soon, and this will be a moment of personal revelation that you won’t deny or reject this time.

SWIRLING THOUGHTS= a repetition of memories that are real
STIRRED UP FEELINGS= a refection of emotions that are relevant
STIMULATED AWARENESS= a reaction at soul level that is revealing truth



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the simple power of attitude and how it can make your life more stable, or create a little more chaos if you are not quite done with learning from it.

Each part of your inner processing allows you to carry the images of your beliefs forward into manifesting experiences that support it. If you believe life is meant to be difficult and hard in order to be worthwhile, then shazzam – you get to be right.

If on the other hand you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, you can begin to shift your perception to a simpler form of manifestation that creates helpful insights that uplift and carry you forward in a complimentary way.

DARE= believe in peace on earth even though others do not
DESPAIR= leave the past behind and create a new reality to share
DECLARE= receive a new perspective that sees life as precious and powerful with everything working out to benefit you.

The Trance Dance

Trance Send Dance

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: quietly whispers in our spiritual ears that it is time to awaken from our trance dance.  This is the level of awareness where our inner connection to the truth in all things resides.  Our hearts are imprinted with the map and the directions for our soul to follow when the end of our karmic journey is at hand.

This allows us to see clearly through the illusions and confusions of our past and bring a new level of clarity into the now moment.  To fully embody this transformation, we must first acknowledge that we have learned everything our soul has requested and has been virtually tested in every way.  This is the time when still point brings you out of the illusion in into the present.

Using the breath and following it in and out of our mortal body, will allow you to make quantum leaps from the old way into the new way of being.  This reveals within us the old patterns, programs and paradigms that are being replaced with the vibrational match of the new world we are creating.  It can feel overwhelming and exciting all at the same time.  Do no confuse the chaos of change for a loss of direction.  Remember and trust that your heart KNOWS the way and your soul FEELS the call from within to let it happen.

PATTERNS= the repetitious pathways we have been moving along that are familiar
PROGRAMS= the belief systems we have adopted to learn from and through
PARADIGMS= the variations to our patterns and programs that we have completed