Life Is A Journey Of Remembering

The Real Me


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shifts our focus back to what really matters and how we are simply following our true destiny based on the divine blueprint within our hearts.  This journey is one of constant challenges that invite us to remember who we are by recalling the feeling we used to have when all was love and light.

From the moment we pass through the veils of forgetfulness during our birth and arrival here in the human experience, we are searching and seeking for the kind of love we know is true and exists within the realms of creation.  We are not satisfied or happy until we recreate that feeling in some way or form.

Our higher self is in constant contact with us as a reminder that it does indeed exist, and that it is worth fighting for, searching for, surrendering for and living for..  As frustrating and hurtful as that inner knowing can be, we are designed to move in that direction no matter how far away from our true light we travel. Our human self and our divine self are in constant communication about our state of grace and progress in the journey of remembering.  We will feel incomplete until the two finally meet.  Part of the illusion or distraction to this process is we perceive it to be someone else we are searching for.

RECALL= a distant memory of better times and perfect love
REMEMBER= the art of bringing ourselves full circle to where we began
REMINDER= our higher self whispering words of encouragement along the way

Happy Easter Blessings

Rebirth Of A Soul


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: lifts the light of creation to shine upon each and every soul that inhabits the Earth.  May this day reflect the love and joy and radiance of a new beginning with a sense of Oneness and Awe.  We are on an amazing journey to the place where we can enjoy the fruits of our labours, and the benefits of our creative powers.

Take time today to be grateful and thankful for the simple things that make your life worthwhile.  Enjoy the moment to moment wonders of nature as she awakens in the Northern Hemisphere, and begins the process of slumber in the South.  It is all in harmony and balance with the destiny we share as one Human family of light.

SUNRISE= a new  beginning of endless possibilities
SUNLIGHT= an energy of life and love that creates all things
SUNSET= a time of reflecting on the blessings & benefits of life

Eclipse Of The Moon

Earth Blessings


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reveals the light and energy that is moving through our world to create a more peaceful resonance with humanity and nature.  The love and attention to detail is going to be important if you want to receive the blessings of this event.  For those that are still standing in the shadows of their soul, there will be much upheaval and turbulence in the energy field for the next little while.  For those who have shown the courage to proceed forward with their heart wide open, there will be signs and wonders of the times to come.

Each soul is designed to contain as much light as their heart will allow.  This fullness of heart and spirit brings a new level of confidence and compassion into the daily experiences you create for yourself and others who will join you.  Be the light of the moon in the world where darkness seems to prevail.  When the shadows of others pass over you . . . simply hold the light and love you are made of and breathe through the moment so it will pass uneventfully.  It is the way of the shadow to want to engage you in battle or conflict to dim that bright shining star that you are.

SUN= the father presence of light that illuminates each soul
MOON= the shadow side of the light that reflects itself in each soul
EARTH= the essence of love that imitates the elementals in each soul
STARS= the community of light that calls out to each soul to come home