Soul Secrets Set Free

Keeping Secrets

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to consider sharing our deepest, darkest secrets with the world of vibrational energy.  As we learn to release our hidden fears and judgments, we set our soul free from guilt, shame and the need to blame or be blamed.

The energies of the cosmos are edging us closer to the moment when we must fully commit to our true purpose and wake up to the truth of who we are.  Internal signals are pressuring us to stand up, open up and speak up about the way we live in this world.  It is time for complete exposure and full disclosure of all things delusional.  Being able to see clearly through all of the illusions we have been living in is a vitally important gift that comes with its own liberating energies.

If everyone, knew everything about anything that is important to our joy and happiness and were willing to share it – we would breathe a collective sigh of relief.  Humanity is in a position where the old paradigm cannot hold onto the darkness or the illusions we have been living in during those dark times for much longer.  Expect a great burst of love and light to expose everything and everyone for what it is this year.  That means a lot of moments of embracing compassion, forgiveness and respect for each other.

COMPOSURE= how we keep a lid on our dark thoughts & feelings
DISCLOSURE= the importance of sharing our hidden thoughts & feelings
EXPOSURE= a new level of vibration that brings in more loving thoughts & feelings
FORECLOSURE= self forgiveness ends any thoughts or feelings of being in debt


Wisdom & Knowledge

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: encourages us to take a look at the deepest level of our soul and discover all of the knowledge and wisdom we have gained from the life experiences we have been through.  Each and every challenge, issue, moment and thought has manifested a way for us to expand our awareness and open our hearts.

The willingness to take a look within at all of the ways we have researched through our choices and challenges can benefit us when we are ready to be honest with ourselves.  The truth lies within each moment.  By removing all of the excess baggage and issues we have been through to learn our life lessons, we open up our heart to the simple truth – we are the sum and total of our thoughts, and the result of our intentions.  We will only understand that truth when the lesson is complete.  Don’t try to understand it when you are in the middle of it . . . that will drive you crazy.

The fruit of the tree of life is what we are left with when all of the things we went through to learn are forgiven.  Wisdom allows us to make better choices, wiser decisions and more loving intentions as we move forward into our future.  The thought we are having right now will guide us to the destination we are seeking to discover in the next phase or level of awareness.

KNOWLEDGE= the result of accumulating information through thinking
UNDERSTANDING= the result of looking back through our feeling
WISDOM= the result of researching by experiencing

Celebrating Shadow Self

Wisdom Of The Ages

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us to celebrate shadow self, and all that has been gained and learned through the ages of our evolution.  We are an equal balance of love and light, shadow and sun, wisdom and wonder.  Each of these aspects of self have a wealth of knowledge gained through our human journey that contribute to our overall state of awareness and acceptance of ourselves as a part of what love is.

Women of the ages have carried the torch of inner power that has risen to the surface of the collective during these times of great tribulation, and offers us the inner guidance and inspiration to create a better world.  The shadow self has many references to the past that can help us choose more wisely in the now.  Who we have become and are becoming is the reflection of what our hearts are longing to experience that brings peace and harmony to a world in darkness.

FEAR= facing the unknown and loving that part discovered there
FRIGHT= feeling the need for change and seeking it from within
FIGHT= finding ways to stand up for what is fair for all, peacefully