TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: has us looking inside ourselves for the keys and clues to better health and wellbeing.  As long as we are searching outside of ourselves for the answers or reasons for our state of being, we will encounter endless excuses, challenges, attitudes and disappointments as a reward.

The truth, the answers, the way and the means to achieve our best self are always hidden deep within our own heart for safe keeping.  When we are done with all the karmic research and adventures, the hardest thing for us to do is make the pilgrimage inside ourself.  These hidden treasures will reveal all of the wisdom we have acquired during our lifetimes of experience and exploring.

In order to access that wisdom, first we must own it – then accept it – then allow it to be the source of our own guidance for the remainder of our journey.  This takes courage and faith as every single point of our wisdom was gained through hurtful or harmful challenges.  Letting go of the hurt and harm allows us to grow stronger and wiser as we surrender all that we went through to become who we are now.  This is the IT factor that signals we are fully awake and aware of who we are!

OWN IT= I trust my own intuition, instincts and intentions guides my way
ACCEPT IT= I accept everything I have been through has contributed to who I am.
ALLOW IT= I allow myself to embody a heart full of love by forgiving what I went through



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: challenges us to seek the inner wisdom of our own intuitive self as we are facing more aspects of ourselves that need to be loved.  We are very quick to judge ourselves and others when the broken pieces of our heart are still floating around in the ethers waiting for us to discover them.  What we don’t want to see or embrace in ourselves, we enlist others to bring them to our attention in ways we cannot ignore or  resist.

The level of resistance we hold inside is in direct proportions to the importance of what we are being asked to accept and love about ourselves.  These qualities tend to show up in ways that we are quite adamant are ‘not our problem’ or ‘someone else’s stuff’.  When we are in this place of denial of self the messages get louder and stronger . . . until we recognize them and own them.

Take some time today and think of the person who triggers you, or annoys you the most.  Somewhere in their starring roll of enemy or adversary is the answer to your mystery of self love that is disguised as rejection or loathing. In the spirit of fairness – be thankful and grateful to the one who plays your mirror and set them free from further obligations.

Broken pieces= the parts of ourselves that we do not love or accept
Bent perception= a distortion of truth that keeps us from being loved
Bad feelings= illusions that love is absent within us or unavailable around us




TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: challenges us to take a closer look at our current point of focus as we go through the shedding of layers and life lessons.  When we consider how powerful we have become with our thoughts and feelings aligning to the frequencies of full spectrum manifestation, it is important to make sure we are aware of what we are creating and intending.

Our vibrational blueprint creates energy based on what we focus on . . . like the vines in a garden, the roots will go deeper and stronger and the leaves will grow to a height that support our emotions and beliefs.  Where thought goes . . . energy flows.  So if you are focusing on the problems in life, your life will support that with creating more problems to focus on!  The simplest of ideas or tasks will seem far more complex and complicated than they need to be and we end up crawling along the surface instead of rising up.

If we are going to change the direction of our journey, we must begin to allow the light of our heart to shine brightly enough to reveal a better pathway.  This comes through consciously using our thoughts to light up the vibrations of growth that guides us towards the light of our soul.  The ultimate goal of a soul is to become whole.  How quickly you arrive at this revelation will depend on how focused you are in just being yourself and not a limited version of self that is defined by anyone else.

GOING= a conscious awareness of the direction your life is taking you – towards, or away from the light of your hearts desires?
GROWING= the expansion of our awareness that allows us to be authentic and real about who we are and how we live our life in the light or shadowed state.
GLOWING= a measurement of balance that helps us be aware of what state we are currently living in.  When the heart is open and allowing love to flow – we glow.  It is a radiance that cannot be ignored nor denied.