Conscious & Unconscious DNA Shift

DNA Shift

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that there is a lot going on inside and out.  The world around us is reflecting what is taking place within us.  Our world is changing in miraculous ways although the illusion is, that it is actually worse than ever.  The truth is that we must be willing to go through all of the layers of imbalances in order to restore a sense of balance.

Our encoded DNA holds the blueprint for the new reality.  Somehow we are drawing into our experience the challenges we require to make the changes and shifts that are vitally important for our new world.  Each time we let go of the old ways, we leave a space and a place for the new to be birthed.  Doing this consciously is the art of mastery where we intentionally bring into being a new way of living.

From the shadows comes the light in all its radiant glory.  Like the dawn of a new day, the rays of light begin to crest the horizon of our world and we awaken to the truth of what is real and what is not.  By midday or mid transformation there will be enough conscious creators to manifest the final phase of the shift.  Those that resist will be released from this world and given a place where they can continue their chaos in another dimension.

UNCONSCIOUS= the changes we are withholding and resisting (past)
CONSCIOUS= the changes we are awakening to and aware of (present)
SUPERCONSCIOUS= the changes that are destined to be no matter what (future)

Moon Maiden Blessings

Moon Maiden

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to hold onto the wave of love and light that is moving through our earth energy field.  This is a wave that is so intense and filled with light that it will appear to be overwhelming to some.  Just breathe.  Take each breath and allow yourself to inhale the very breath of your creator as the love builds a new bridge of light within your soul.

It has been a long time coming, and this ‘second’ coming of the light will enlarge your hearts capacity to love self and others.  The inner realms of glory will welcome this shift with open arms and heart.  So many have given up on this kind of love even existing and yet we assure you that the direction it is guiding you to and through will restore any doubts you might have had.

Faith and fear will dance in the moonlight together as they embark on a new relationship.  There will come a moment when you realize that the two are one and the same.  When you are in fear, your faith is supporting every step you take towards a better life.  When faith is in the lead – you will feel the fear that once held you back urging you forward and supporting your new direction.

FAITH= your inner guidance aligned to love and light
FEAR= your inner challenger that inspires you to feel the light
FIND= your inner compass to seek and search for more light
FOLLOW= your inner desire that helps you find the light
FOCUS=  your inner intention to be the light

Our Courage Will See Us Through

Embody Courage

TODAYS LIFE LESSON: We are all being tested by our higher selves to resolve any outstanding issues, attitudes, judgments or fears that we may have.  These old patterns and energies are contributing to the current unstable elements and storms.  As the storms continue to rage inside each soul, the energy is being reflected out into the global collective and charging up the elements of earth (quakes), wind (hurricanes) , fire (volcanos) and water (typhoons) into a frenzy.

The energy from the sun is sending a reset/recharge signal to all living things upon this planet and will continue to charge the atmosphere until we are finished with our primal fears and wars.  This over extension of light and love is designed to create balance out of pure emotional chaos and peace out of intense destructive thoughts that are permeating our planet.

RESENT= the overall collective attitude towards evolutionary change right now (judgement)
REJECT= the reaction to moving forward and being elevated into a higher realm (fear)
RESET= the moment when the tidal wave of judgment and fear come together and cancel each other out