Learning To Ride The Tide

Feeling Free

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the insights and inspirational message of learning to ride the tide of emotion and motion these days.  The inner journey of our soul is currently making dramatic changes to the way we view life and live life.  Anything that we have held onto that is not in alignment with our souls purpose or desires, is being shaken from us in dramatic and sometimes traumatic ways.

When it comes to the feeling and the flow of emotions, we are diving deeper and deeper into the pools of unfair situations where we cannot look anywhere but inward at the way we react to others and the circumstance we find ourselves in.  There is no where else to go and the answers will not be found if we do not go there.  It takes all of the courage and determination you can find within yourself to make this journey.

MOTION= the movement/manifestation of our thought energy
EMOTION= the flow/flood of our feeling energy
ACTION= the intention/direction of our soul energy
ATTRACTION= the affects of our heart/hurt energy

11:11 Remembering Our Purpose

Sacred Journey

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that we are here to explore and experience the greatest challenges of a human soul.  This journey is complete with all of the elements of battles won and lost.  Our inner spirit is designed to help us seek the furthest reaches of our imaginary self by whatever means it takes to get us there.  We are the strong, the weak, the brave and the meek all at the same time.

Each time we conquer a new level of awareness of our power and the amount of pain it can facilitate to get us there, we are made wiser and worthy of greater deeds to bring a new level of love to this world.  The world as it stands, is on the brink of a great new reality that allows the soul to express itself in more gentle, creative and caring ways without feeling threatened, judged or criticized.  This level of freedom of expression is a new vibration that has yet to be established.

REMEMBER= the ability to recall what is genuinely important
REMINDER= the signs and signals that help us remember
REMAINDER= the balance of what is yet to be remembered

Life Is A Movie – What Are You Staring In?

Making Music

In silent movies there is lots of action – but no talking.  Communication comes from anticipation or perception.
In digital movies there is lots of creation, action, attraction, reaction & passion with and without talking.
In animation movies there are many characters all designed to compliment each other and create a story that satisfies our desires to succeed or conquer.
In drama movies there is lots of plots and ideas being talked about but not a lot of action
In trauma movies there is lots of action and reaction based on passion and feelings
In dharma movies there is lots of creation of ideas and passionate feelings being shared

A channeled message regarding our human experience in creating STORIES.

All The World Is A Stage 

We do indeed live our lives in the lime light of creation on view for all to see.  Our own version of this extensive play can be very diverse – or extremely similar.

When we are conceived, we are sent a blueprint of the parents and get to review what that life may hold in the way of potential and soul growth.  We have the option to choose any parents we want.  Some of us only choose to have the parents blueprint as part of your arrival platform, others may choose to experience a single parent lifestyle, or an orphaned status where parenting is shared by many successive people.

It really doesn’t matter in the end, you still choose the direction you are going as part of your soul purpose and challenges to grow.  There are fundamental basics that combine the original parenting with karmic lessons, along with the soul group you end up attracting as part of your personal story.  Here are some of the variations that we end up considering as part of our journey here on earth:

Solo Act – your life is all about you and only you.  You do not fully connect or attract anyone who will remain in your life for long.  They will come and go as support role actors and leave you with the desire to withdraw and isolate yourself as part of a protection plan.  This solitary life tends to be one of loneliness and introspection.

Star Role: is when you choose a life that depends on others paying attention to you at all costs.  You will attract those that want to challenge you, judge you, battle you, criticize you and generally make you the centre of attention in every chapter of your story.  This can happen in a very loving or non loving way.

Support Role: this life is all about you paying attention to others and meeting their needs or requirements.  You will do anything to win friends and influence people even if it costs you in the process.  A supportive role will always find you on the fringes of the action contributing to the success or failure of it in subtle but powerful ways.  It is very difficult to receive credit or praise in this role as you tend to not want to step into the lime light.

Servant Role: brings us into the place of subservients around others, not wanting to take responsibility for ourselves and dedicating our entire life to the betterment and up- liftment of others to the detriment of soul self.  The focus will remain on those around you achieving their dreams and goals, while yours are left unfinished or diminished.

Sacrifice Role: puts us in a position where we are committed to doing ourselves harm and bring ourselves down to the lowly level of barely worthy of being.  The idea of giving of ones self to the point of poverty or pain is how we end up using this role to deplete our sense of self worth, self confidents, self esteem or any other sense of self acknowledgment.

Soldier Role: keeps us on the battlefield of survival for the duration of our soul journey.  This part of our soul is seeking to protect, others as we defend, destroy or dismember the ones we love and the ones we don’t.  As the soldier is off doing battle most of the time, loved ones are left to defend, protect and provide for themselves at the expense of your need to conquer the unknown.

Saviour Role: sends us on a personal quest to save the world around us as we seek to win their trust, their approval or their allegiance to our own cause.  This is a very public position to hold where the people around you are what makes you feel worthwhile and meaningful in life.  The focus is on acquiring followers and addressing the masses that are potential supporters of your cause.  This life leads you up and down the path of acceptance from others and rarely leads you to a place of self acceptance.

Scientist Role: the intense observer of all things living and how they work together and interact.  This role keeps us driven to discover things that others may not have noticed or acknowledged.  It involves mathematical formulas, scientific data, linear thoughts and limited feelings. There is a lot of action in the initial stages of discovery, but once it moves into the development stages there is a greater tendency for silence during observation and determining what value is placed on this part of creation.

Spiritual Role: tends to be a lifetime of accumulating thoughts, feelings and beliefs in something outside of self that connects and communicates with something inside of self.  This can be a solitary journey of oneness and intimacy with source, or a leadership and teaching role where the wisdom and experience gained is shared for the purpose of blessing others with something that self has come to honour and be at peace with.

Sound Role: plays the instrument of the human heart in ways that create music, art, dance and mystical messaging.  Our soul loves to play the various instruments of sound that resonate deeply within our being as a familiar sense of sacredness and selflessness.  The full range of sound, and the full spectrum of colour make up the entire universe of creation.  This is a balanced life of bringing sound and colour into our body and expressing it outside our body with equal passion.

Spectrum Role: the art of conscious creation where the thoughts we have align to a passionate feeling of enthusiasm and truth where it manifests instantly.  As we complete  the individual roles a soul can experience, we enter into a life where all of the roles merge together into ones ability to utilize the wisdom we have learned from our games and plays in life.  In order to fully engage at this level, we must be wiling to release all judgments, fears, illusions and experiences we went through to learn our life lessons.  We then keep the wisdom and let go of what we went through to learn it.


No matter which ‘character’ you choose to play in your soul story, there are always life lessons to learn and challenges that help us evolve and grow.  Here are some of the ways we ‘play’ ourselves and interact with other souls in the illusion of human life:

SILENT MOVIE: very primal and focused on survival.  There is no talking and just acting.  Through silently acting out, your soul circle are left to assume, guess and ultimately intuitively interpret what you are all about and doing.  They can see your actions, but cannot fully understand your silence so they create the version of you that best suits their state of mind and being.  When you are in alignment with what they imagine you to be or behave, they will stick around.  When you are not in alignment with their impressions of you – they will exit the stage and go play elsewhere.

DRAMA MOVIE: this style of soul seeking depends on the story remaining interesting enough to keep others attracted to what you are doing and why you might be doing the way you do.  Consequently, there is an excessive amount of talking but very little resolution as the characters are observing each others actions without really listening to the clues being given in the unspoken words. The twists and turns of the story are rarely predicable, frequently interesting enough the first few scenes, but unless it changes and evolves into some exciting action it can become tedious and boring.  A soul that is really good at creating drama, will always attract an audience to observe and play along.

TRAUMA MOVIE: this one always catches us by surprise as we very quickly invest our time and energy into saving someone or something for the purpose of making ourselves feel better.  There is a desire to anticipate the needs of others without them talking or telling you their story.  To rescue, comfort, nurture and use our compassion is a natural state of reaction.  Those that live for the traumatic moments are usually in various shades of pain and suffering themselves, but rather than face their own life challenges, the seek to fix others so they can feel appreciated and valued.

KARMA MOVIE: runs the full spectrum of being on the benevolent journey of self discovery and divinity, all the way to revenge and war towards those that you have  outstanding transgressions with.  These lifetimes tend to involve those that are good at keeping score, less likely to forgive and judge themselves and others mercilessly.  It is very rare to find a happy ending in this saga, but the ultimate goal of a soul is to discover a way to get there.

DHARMA MOVIE: is a quiet tale that involves watching, listening, talking, sharing, caring and observing self and others.  This is a comforting story where the focus is on balance and order, discipline and freedom, loving and being loved on all levels.  The entire story is built on trust, faith and belief that there is a spectrum of light that created us and maintains its relationship with us as we explore the entire universe in both dark and light dimensions.